chapter twenty-seven - male sexual organ

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Chapter 27

Ever since Calum was a child, he knew he liked guys. It was part of his blood, his soul; his personality, and no one, not even his parents, could take that away from him.

It wasn't till he saw a teenage boy helping his drunk brother home one frosty winter evening that he realised he was in love with someone. Before then, it had been little crushes on classmates and teachers, nothing more. And for the next three years, he never liked another guy, instead choosing to channel his passion through watching this blonde-haired boy from afar each day.

He first heard the name 'Luke' on the 3rd May. One of his friends was calling him in front of Oakrange High's gate, and out of curiosity, Calum had glanced over and immediately recognised the tall blonde; from then on he stopped by that school every day just to catch a glimpse of this so called 'Luke' who had such beautiful eyes and spoke so handsomely.

As he snapped back to the present and found himself staring in Caitlin's striking blue eyes, he remembered the good times he used to have thinking up things he'd do once he actually spoke to Luke. He'd completed most things now, such as introducing himself, kissing him, chilling out with him in his room; but most of those things had been done as a girl.

"Well? What's it gonna be, Calum?" Caitlin hissed, clenching her fists of iron. "Believe me when I say I can destroy you."

The Ivy-Caitlin siblings sure were intimidating, huh. Calum gulped and blinked a few times, trying to catch sight of the situation he was presently in, and how to get out of it. All that would come out of his mouth was, "P-please, don't..."

Caitlin turned around abruptly and started walking out of the toilets. Calum couldn't just let her leave like this, there was no knowing what she would do next! He hurried after her in a panicked state, affixing his wig to the best of his ability as he used the bulk of his leg muscle to chase.

They tumbled into the Calum's classroom, causing all twenty-five eyes to stare blankly at the sudden commotion at the front of the classroom. "Miss Hood? Miss Richardson? What on earth is this all about?"

Caitlin cleared her throat, lifting her head in confidence. "I have an announcement to make."

It was just Calum's luck that Caitlin and the teacher were arch enemies for some unknown reason. "You can make it after lunchtime detention. Disruption during admin is not permitted Miss Richardson, you know that – now go back to your own form before I make it detention after school too!"

"Ugh! I can't believe you – I'm so gonna complain to Principal Matthews about this!" she screeched before strutting off. Calum let out a low breath and took his seat without further commotion, not wanting to get on the bad side of the teacher as well. He'd been let off the hook yet again this time, but even a fool knew he didn't have much time left.


At lunch, Bryana and co couldn't stop giving Cally weird looks. They'd seen what had happened in the classroom earlier and pretty much only Ivy was talking whilst the others left their food untouched.

"Like, I clearly told him to back off, but he keeps coming on to me! Guys, will you please tell me what to do?" she asked in desperation, eyes darting between each member at the table. Bryana looked away, Cath pouted, Amanda slurped on her juice and Cally sat there in idle thought, staring deeply at the sandwich on the table. "Um, guys?"

"Just tell him again. He's such a male sexual organ, I don't know why you still talk to him," Amanda said with a smile. She always said nasty things with a nice face; it was kind of her thing.

"He's hot, okay? Also, Bryana, are we coming to yours after school?"

Bryana's ears perked when she heard her name and she shook her head. "Sorry, some of dad's models are coming back from a shoot in America. I've gotta look after them till dinner. Maybe next time?"

They all sighed in unison. "Something's not right," Ivy declared, slamming her hands on the table. "Is it cause Caitlin is in detention? I mean, what was so important that she had to disrupt the most evil teacher in the school?" She looked over at Cally who was still looking at the sandwich as if it was sparkling or something. "Do you know, Cally?"


"What was Caitlin gonna say in admin this morning?"

Calum bit his lip and scratched his head. "I-I dunno."

"But you came in with her," Amanda recalled.

"Coincidence, I guess."

Ivy wasn't having it, however. Despite the fact that she hated her sister with all her heart, she still knew her very well and the look in her eyes wasn't the result of a coincidence. Something had happened and she wanted to know exactly what, but she didn't know how to go about it. She wasn't exactly notorious for her brains; she wasn't like her sister.

Speaking of her sister, Caitlin was picking up litter from the school field when a ball was kicked in her direction. If she squinted hard enough, she could just about make out the outline of Dean Forrester and the rest of the football team looking her way with their arms up gesturing for her to give the ball back.

"Hey, send it back!" someone shouted. Caitlin gritted her teeth and tentatively picked up the grubby ball, attempting to throw it but failing horribly. It only went a few metres before falling to the ground, making her groan.

A few moments later Dean was in front of her, about to kick the ball back to his team when Caitlin stopped him.

"Dean, do you have a moment?" she asked sweetly. Dean turned and gave her a look to say 'um, do you think I do?

"Middle of a game. It can wait, okay?" he ended up replying.

"No – this is really important." Caitlin grabbed his arm. "You went to school with Calum, didn't you? Before he transferred here...?" She hadn't a clue what she was talking about but the look on Dean's face reassured her.

"Oh, yeah. We used to-"

"Go out, I remember you saying." She ran through some options in her mind before saying, "I um... wanna go out with him now but he keeps coming to school as a girl. Why did he transfer?"

"Forrester! Get back on the pitch!" the coach shouted from the football post. Dean turned sassily and rolled his eyes before swivelling back around to look at Caitlin.

"Don't you know? He stalked Luke for like three years whilst we were dating and decided to become Cally and transfer here so he could get close to him."

Caitlin's jaw dropped to the floor. She could feel the blood boiling around her heart like a hurricane, making her blood pressure rise till her cheeks were red with anger. "Become Cally? So Cally actually exists?"

Dean frowned, proving her wrong. "No, Cally is just Calum dressed up as a girl, didn't you already know that though?"

"Haha, yeah, just checking. You're okay if I ask him on a date, aren't you?" she asked through her stiff jaw, trying to keep a smile on her face. "Please, I'll do anything you want if you let me."

"Forrester! I'm giving you to the count of five before you're off the team!"

"Oops! Gotta go - hmm I suppose you can. I'll ask Michael to get him to stop pretending, okay? And don't worry, I won't mention your name. This can be our little secret!"

Our little secret? Caitlin thought. Yeah right. I'm gonna make this public as soon as I can.

Then Luke will know what a psychopath Cally is and he'll come back to me.


oooooh climax time 😎

Bet you guys are excited for this to end! 

Vote+comment for virtual 5sos psychopath

Kimmy xx

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