Chapter 20 - Dori

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Sometimes the person you fall for isn't ready to catch you.

Chapter Twenty – Dori

Phoenix's POV

RedNix: I miss you.

QueenDori98: I miss you too.

I sighed and a small smile fell on my lips while I texted the girl I really liked.

I was falling for her. Hard.

I really wanted to just meet her already but she's already told me that she isn't ready and I'm trying to be okay with it even if it's hard because I'm dying to see her and what she looks like. I even asked if we could video chat and she just doesn't want to do it yet.

I mean yeah, I should be a tad bit suspicious and start to ask myself if I'm being catfished or not but I trusted her. If she didn't want to do it then I would be patient.

A small shriek has my attention as I snapped my head up. There was Greene holding her nose.

What the hell...

I put my phone down and grabbed my glasses, putting it on so I knew I was seeing correctly. Just as she was about to turn around, I saw the red liquid slide through her middle and index finger.

Holy shit! She was bleeding.

My first instinct was to get up and walk after her and that's what I did but just as I was about to call out her name, my mouth closed shut when I saw Michael grabbing her shoulders and looking at her in concern.

Then next thing you know, they're out of sight, probably heading to the nurse. I debated on following them but that would just be creepy and unacceptable.

Why would I follow anyway? I don't care about Greene.

I sighed as I went back to my phone and saw that Dori hadn't replied to my last text. I'm pretty sure she had a free period as well, what could she be doing?


Turning around, I saw a sweaty Trent looking at me in excitement even though he was panting like crazy.

"Coach says he needs you on the track so you could practice for our meet tonight," Trent informed.

Groaning, I replied. "Why me?"

"You're the best runner, that's why! Now hurry up before I get yelled at. I definitely don't want to do ten laps like last time."

Grabbing my bag, I trudged all the way to the locker room, extremely annoyed that my free period had to end up being  me running like 20 laps.

And what's worse is that while I was running, I wasn't thinking about how much pain my legs were in but I was thinking about Greene and her bloody nose.

What a weird day.


"Run! Run! Run the track! You can do it we're the Wildcats!"

I waited for Matt, my teammate to catch up to me and hand me the stick. I prayed he wouldn't drop it.

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