Chapter 36 - Our Story

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some people are so deep, you fall into them and you never stop falling.

Chapter Thirty Six — Our Story

Phoenix's POV

"I love you too, Doris Greene. I'll always love you."

The same echoed like voice had been repeating in my head while being blinded by darkness.

Until I felt a sharp pain hit my face causing my eyes to snap open. Immediately I was met with a white ceiling. My head had been pounding tremendously and my heart was beating at a rapid pace.

What in the world was going on?

Then it all hit me like that. The sounds of water rushing in, my shaky voice crying for her to open her eyes and look at me. Her tears, her "I love you" running through my head at the time.

"Get out of here, okay?"

"There's no more time, just go."

My heart was in my throat, as it dawned me what had happened. I told her to leave me there, so I wondered why I was here and she wasn't.

I couldn't take that. I couldn't take any of that.

Ripping the IV off my arm, I ripped the covers off of me and stood. My head felt heavy but the way I was feeling right then and there, I was unstoppable, I was scared, it just couldn't be.

Running out, I screamed out for her and I continued crying out her name until I couldn't anymore. I could  feel my vision blurring, I could feel nurses grabbing me and yanking me as I tried desperately to get out of their grip. I felt everything but Doris and I hated that.

Why was I acting like this?

"Phoenix?" The voice I had been dying to hear, I then froze and let my eyes met hers. Her eyes had widened before running to me. "Phoenix!"

When she was in front of me, the tears spilled, my heart dropped and my legs gave out.

"Fuck!" I cried out in frustration and relief.

I felt her presence in front of me as she kneeled down to my height. A hand stroked my cheek and her bluish grey eyes watched me in worry "Why are you out of  bed?" She asked.

"I was scared," I answered, looking away from her. "I-I thought you were gone."

She sighed, sadly smiling at me. "You scared the living shit out of me. Maybe this is karma."

"Well fuck, karma is a bitch then." She bursted into laughter and I couldn't help but laugh with her. It was random, and odd to laugh at a situation like ours. We almost died and here we are laughing about it like it was nothing.


"Thank god you two are alive!" My mom  cried out, hugging the both of us tightly for the millionth time.

"What even happened?" Phoebe asked as she tugged on my hospital gown.

Smiling proudly, I glanced at Doris. "She saved my life."

Doris rolled her eyes, obviously trying to contain her smile. "I saved the both of us. I really believe God was there with me through it all otherwise I wouldn't have been able to fight for us."

Phoebe watched her in awe, "Wow, Doris Greene you really are amazing!"

"Doris, have you called your father?" Mom asked.

Doris nodded, slightly frowning. "Yes, I told him I was fine and that he shouldn't waste his time coming here but I already know when I get home, he's going to flip."

"Well alright. I'm just going to sign you out and we can finally head back home," Mom said as she stood up, "Come help me out, Phoebe."

Phoebe winked at me which had me scoffing at her before they both left, leaving me and her alone.

Doris sat down next to me, watching me with what looked like curiosity. It looked like she had a lot on her mind, a lot to spill.

"Say what you have to say," I told her softly.

"I'm sorry," her voice cracked, "This all could've been prevented if I had just acted like a good girlfriend at the party."

"Are you kidding?" I asked, completely shocked at her words. Did she really believe that this was her fault? "This sounds crazy but I'm so fucking glad that  I'm in this hospital bed right now with you by my side."

Her eyes widened. "Wha–"

"Before we crashed you showed me your true feelings, you beat denial," I told her before grabbing her hand and putting mine on top of it. "Yeah it wasn't the best time but fuck, I love you too. I feel like I've said that so many times even though I haven't but I want you to know that I love you and what happened must've happened for a reason. You fought for me, you fought for us and that's the best thing about you."

Tears had already stained her cheeks. "I can't believe this has happened," her eyes landed on the cast on my arm that I hadn't even noticed till then. It didn't even hurt that much.

I pulled her closer to me, letting her head rest on my thigh as we both watched each other. There was nothing that could tear us apart at that moment. Doris and I...our story wasn't over but it was just beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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