Day 2

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Day 2 "Imagine Living Like A King Someday"

King For a Day ptv ft. Kellin Quinn.

When I wake up again I'm in my bed. I get up and walk downstairs to find Guen drinking coffee. "What the fuck happened last night." I say carefully walking to the fridge. How did I make it downstairs without my leg hurting but now it kills? Guen stares off all dreamy like. "Best. Night. Ever." She says. "Oh yeah how did ur night with kellin Quinn go?" I can see the fangirl inside her wake up and is on a sugar high. "OMG he's such a gentlemen! He brought me out to dinner and got me flowers and we saw a movie and I met his daughter! His wife was all nice that he was nice to me!! I ditched her tho don't worry and guess what?!?!?!?! I LICKED HIM!" "OMG where?!?!" I ask her freaking out. "On the lips."

"More like in the lips." I say. We both laugh as her face turns red. "Anyways I crashed in the back of his van and he brought me home and layed with me in bed until like 20 minutes ago when he left." She gets off the chair, she's wearing his tshirt and a pair of his pants. I smile sitting down myself cuz my legs bothering me. "How about The Ass?" she ask me. I laugh, "he dropped me off I fell asleep on the couch but woke up, upstairs..." She starts to butter her toast. "That would have been Justin. He carried you to bed because he wanted to watch tv on the couch." Ohhhh. I say to myself. "Something must of happened between you guys. He likes you u can tell just by the way he looked at you. And no ass would carry u to medical and drive u home." I shrug looking down and realizing I'm wearing his sweatshirt still. "Nothing happened. He just brought me home." "Fine don't tell me." She says going over to the laptop to post the pics of the guys on our blog.

I post the pic of me and him on the page and comment "me and the ass that broke my leg." Not even a minute later someone comments, "I prefer the term hero." Guen comes over and looks at the screen. "Oooooooo he found you!" I click on his name. His face pops up. "Yeah that's him." I say. He chats me "wanna go to the beach?" He ask. "I'm in a cast dipshit." I type back.

-XD how could I forget u only meantion it every minute

-you wouldn't have to listen to me complain if u didn't stalk me online

-stalking would imply searching. I only wanted to make sure the pic u took of me was my good side... It wasn't we need to take another. Photo walk?

-OMG really? A photo walk?!? A fucking WALK! You know what I can't do? WALK.

-I'll carry you :)

- fuck off

- one date and I'll go

- no thanks hun

-today. Lunch. U pick the place.


-okay I'll pick u up at 11

*zacks offline*

"See u got a date." Guen says as her phone goes off. "Apparently I do too." She walks off on the phone with Kellin.

I carefully walk upstairs and get ready for the date.

She walks into my room all excited wearing a black keyed dress with toms. "Ah were goin on a picnic!!" Guen squeals. She sits down on my bed as I stare out of my window. "What's wrong?" She ask. I look back to her. "I have a date today. With a stranger when I'm already likin someone else." She freaks out "OMG who?!?!?!" She says coming right up into my face. "I met a guy last night. I kissed him. It was amazing."

"Did u get his number? Name? Age? Address? Boxers or briefs? Anything!!" She's shaking my shoulders. "His DNA in my mouth." I say back as she pulls away disgusted. "I don't even remember what he looks like. He's just hot. And a great kisser-" "and you're never going to see him again so go enjoy ur date with that ass and make sure he pays!" She hops off my bed and goes downstairs. I get up and get dressed.

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