Zayn has a twin sister named Danielle and when she has to go on tour with him and his band One Direction she ends up falling in love with one of the band mates. Although she has a rough time through out the tour she has her twin brother there to hel...
I decided to text Niall so he is not worried. More of I miss him. Once I got out the shower. I grabbed my phone and laid in bed
(Bold= Danielle and Bold, I, underlined = Niall)
Hey Love, I wanted you to know that I left to clear my mind and get stuff straight, I still love you and even though I wish I didn't I do! I wont be gone for long just a little time to focus and then I will be back with you crazy boys.(He texted back so fast probably the fastest he has ever texted me before)
OMG, you dont hate me I love you so much and I am so sorry please forgive me. The guys and I blocked that girl. I love you
Before I could text back Michael came into my room with my new phone in his hand ¨Hey bro what are you doing with my phone?¨ I asked as he got into my bed under the covers with me ¨Mum said for me to give it to you to set up¨ I nodded and we set up my new phone then I texted Niall
Hey sorry I did not respond I was with Michael setting up my new phone
Its is fine tell Michael I said ¨Hi mate¨
¨Michael Niall said Hi mate.¨He nodded. I cuddled up next to him as we watched a movie and fell asleep. I was awaken by my mum trying to wake us up. It was morning and my mum was shaking us ¨Kids lets go Michael and Danielle Malik get up before Michael is late to set¨ We jumped up and Michael ran out of the room screaming ¨GOOD MORNING DANIELLE¨ I laughed and got my crutches and got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and walked back into my room to find a outfit. I was gonna go with Michael to set today. Michael wore a purple and blue button up with jeans and timberland's I wore this
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I decided not to bring a bag so I put on my left shoe, my watch and grabbed my phone then hopped downstairs. ¨We are gonna stop at Jamba Juice¨ I got in the car and Michael sat in the back, we drove to Jamba Juice and I got a Acai Primo Bowl and my Mum and Michael got Island Pitaya Bowl. We also got the Razzmatazz Smoothie. We all got the same smoothie and we drove to set which was only around the corner. We walked in and Michael carried the smoothies and the bowl. He immediately went to change and get his makeup done. He took his food with him and my Mum went with the other Mums I ate in his dressing room and texted Niall
Nialls P.O.V-
I was texting Danielle when we were on the tour bus on our way to our dress rehearsal. We have been non stop texting because we are better know but not 100% probably 89%.
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