Zayn has a twin sister named Danielle and when she has to go on tour with him and his band One Direction she ends up falling in love with one of the band mates. Although she has a rough time through out the tour she has her twin brother there to hel...
Niall and I woke up to Rosie and Kane jumping on our bed. Niall turned to me and I moved over to him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head as the kids jumped up and down. He finally gave up and grabbed their legs and brought them down. They laughed and laid down in the middle of us and got under the covers. Niall and I held hands over them as they cuddled up next to us. 10 minutes later Kane asked ''Can we go to the park?'' Niall looked at me and I shrugged ''Sure bud'' They cheered and jumped up and ran out of the room. Niall picked me up and kissed me ''It will be fun'' He said before walking out of the room and into Kane's. I got up and picked out Rosie's clothes. She ran into the bathroom and changed and came back out I did her hair and told her what shoes to wear.
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She nodded and I walked into my room to change. I put on some clothes and left my hair out and wavy.
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I did my makeup and added some bracelets. Niall and the kids walked into the bathroom all dressed Kane and Niall wore this
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''Aww look at my boys'' I kissed Niall on the lips and Kayn on the head ''Rosie lets go!'' Niall called and Rosie came running down ''You look super cute Rosie'' Niall said and she smiled. We got in the car and drove to Nandos for lunch. We went to lunch then went to the park. But that is when everything went wrong. Things were going good. The kids were running around laughing, I was watching them as they were playing. Niall was taking pictures with fans. I turn my head to Niall and see how happy te fans are. Niall wanted to kids to just play and have a fun day without being recgonized so he asked for no pictures with the kids. I hear Kane scream I turn my head and see Rosie miss her hand on the swing, she falls and hits her head on a pole then bounces back her face is bloody. I screamed ''ROSIE" I run up to her and I see Niall run up Kane runs up and Niall grabs him before he touches Rosie he is kicking Niall and saying ''Let go daddy let me go to Rosie'' I kneel down next to Rosie her face is bloody and she has cuts all over from the wood chips on the floor. Her head has a bloody spot. I hear Niall talking on the phone behind me and then I hear sirens. I am sobbing over Rosie. 2 minutes later Niall is rubbing my back and doctors come rushing with a stretcher they put her on and stroll her away before I could even say anything. I turn to Niall and I see crying fans. My whole world is slowing down I see Niall with one arm open and the other arm holding sobbing Kane I rush over ot him and sob into his shoulder. He rubs my back ''Lets go'' I nod and we get in the car. The car ride was silent all we heard was sniffles. I could tell Niall was crying but was trying so hard to hold it in. We got to the hospital and Niall said to walk in he was gonna talk to Kane. I nodded and walked in.
Niall's P.O.V-
''Hey bud you alright?'' I asked trying not not cry. I could not hold it in anymore. ''Bud we gotta stay strong for mom okay, you can cry but try and stay strong.'' He nodded and I hugged him we sobbed in each others embrace and I carried him inside as he continued to sob. I see Danielle sitting in a chair her head in her hands sobbing. We walk over and I sit Kane on my lap. We hugged her and the 3 of us sat there sobbing until we heard ''Horan?'' We stood up and walked over to the doctor ''Rosie.. she um she is in a coma. I am very sorry. The blow to the head was very strong. We will keep you updated but for now you can go see her'' When she said coma I saw Danielle's heart drop. Our phones were buzzing like crazy so I took her phone and put it on Do not Disturb mode. We walked in and saw Rosie. She had cuts and bruises all over her body. Kane laid down in the bed with her trying not to touch her. He got under the covers and Danielle just sobbed into my chest. I could not stop it I sobbed. My baby girl was in a coma and if she does not make it out I will never be able to see her beautiful smile ever again. To make it worse, I was always traveling and she cried every time. I can't loose her. I don't even know what I am feeling right now. I look up and see Kane fell asleep next to Rosie. She can't die she is only 7, she is my baby girl. She can't die she is only 7, she is my baby girl.She can't die she is only 7, she is my baby girl.She can't die she is only 7, she is my baby girl.She can't die,She can't die.She can't die, Zayn walked in and ran over to Danielle he wrapped his arms around her and she looked like she was falling alseep because of all the crying. I mouthed ''I will be back'' I go tin the car and cried. I just cried. I punched the steering wheel and her knocking on the window. I jumped. I got so scared only to see Zayn. He got in the car ''What the hell man don't scare me like that'' I yelled ''Where's Danielle?'' ''Sleeping'' he responded ''My baby girl just won a Teen Choice Award yesterday and now she is in a coma'' ''Niall you have to stay strong for your family don't go punching steering wheels!Rosie is strong she loves you guys'' Too many things are flowing through my brain right now . ''Lets go'' We got out of the car. Zayn drove Danielle and Kane home even though Kane gave a fight he ended up going home . He wanted to stay with Rosie I stayed the night and fell asleep on the chair next to her bed.I kissed her head and told her she will be okay. I fell asleep holding her hand.