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Lost. I'm lost in this math problem. What's wrong with me? I'm suppose to be Emily Andersons. The smartest kid in ESEP (Elite Schooling for Elite People) I'm currently in my classroom at 4:43 stuck on a math problem. My long hazel brown hair is being blown by the wind causing it fly into my face.

The struggles of long hair.

I shut the open window and fix my hair. The one day I don't bring a hair tie. Really?

I close my Gothic notebook and stuff it inside my bag along with my binder. I guess I'll call it a day and head home.

I slip my red and blue bag over my shoulder and headed for my locker. I dial in the code and proceeded to grab what I need. I was still stuck in thought about that one question why my thoughts were inturrupted by a loud bang near by.

I look to the side off my locked and notice a dent. With a boy in it. How does someone slam into a locker hard enough to dent it? I'm just lucky that no one uses that locker.

"Woah dude. Sick catch!" Yelled another voice.

Look I know the school is practically empty but really?
Do ya havta be ruining lockers at this time?

The two boys meet and start chatting but don't notice me until I closed my locker door a little too hard. Okay scatch that, I forcefully slammed it a tad too hard.

"Woah what crawled up and died in your ass?" Asked the one who slammed into the locker. He was tall. Aproximetly around the height of 5'11. Me, being 5'1, feels like a elf right now. He had a blue jersey tee that said 'Evlon ESEP' and black skinny jeans. The black converse sneakers went well with the outfit. He had quiet broad shoulders. As expected someone his height. He was quiet skinny and the skinny jeans relly showed his leg curves. His messy strawberry blonde hair was everywhere, probaly because of sports. He had-

"Like what you see babe?" He snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't even relize I was checking him out till now.
I blushed a light rose at the relization. I tried cover it up my turning back to my unlocked locker door but it was already too late.

"Wow you just met Olive- I mean Oli, and you're already at it. Cheeky girl." The other starts, catching himself was the other glares at him. So Oliver's his name eh? Oliver Alvon..

"Cut it out Shane, your scaring the poor girl." Said Oliver, using a finger to lift my chin up. I have no choice but to stare into his greenish-blue eyes. "Right?" He smirks sadisticly.

He taps the rim of my dark black glasses down so my brown eyes are visable as well. I gulped hard after what seemed like an eternity of starting. Pfft staring? What am I saying? It was more like a lion hunting down his pray. And I just happen to be right there when it's hungry. Great.

"Hey Jolly, say something."
He said, snapping a finger in my face. "Or has my beauty mesmerizd you"

"Pfft you wish" I snap back, finally getting a hold of my senses.
"Someone like you would never mesmerize me."
His mouth was left a gaped as those words left mine.

"Ooooo Oli just got shot down by a girl!" Oooed the friend.
"Shane shut up."
Snapped the taller boy. He slams me into my locker. I wince in pain was the lock pinches into my spine.
"We're done here." He turns to walk away. "Oh and Jolly?" He turns his head to face me.
"You're really going to regret that." I gulp under the intense glare and aura he was giving off. Regret? I've never regretted anything I said before.


That boy, Oliver Alvon, Capitan of the boys football team, strangely popular, a total flirt and playboy, girls have also discribed him as a douchbag.

Yes, I did my research on this guy. He has perked my intrest.

I didn't bother with Shane because he seemed like a douchbag at first glance.

I make my way back to the classroom which is empty. Thats why I eat lunch here. I catch a two fimillar boys with five unfimillar girls. From the corner of my eye, I can see one of them point at me as I enter the classroom.

I pull out my chair and set my lunch on the table. Yes, thats when all seven of them walk in, surrounding me. Yes, surrounding me. It was scary, having all fourteen eyes staring at you. His words flashed into my mind

You're really going to regret that

Regret... ah yes. Regret. I might be regretting that by a little bit but what else could I have said?

"Hey. Jolly" spoke Oliver.
"You look lonely. Lemme introduce you to my good pals." Does he pity my or something?

He started by pointed at a short girl, shorter than me, with dark black hair.
"This is Jessica"

Next he pointed to a girl with medium blonde hair

Then a girl with short-ish black hair that was pulled neatly into a ponytail with just her bangs out

Then a girl with long blonde hair

And a girl with long dark brown hair
"And you already know Shane." He said, not even bothering to point. The shorter male frowned at his action but knew best to let it be.

I gulped again under the pressure. How has my life turned around so much after just one encounter?

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