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I was tagged by prinrosevalintin to do the alphabet challenge or whatever and it's late and everyone is asleep and I'm bored so, why not?

-Available: Yup, only mentally married to people and totally in love with my friends and family.
-Birthday: Sept. 18
-Crushing on: Like a billion people, both fictional and real, so I won't go into details. ;)
-Drink you last had: Sprite. :p
-Easiest people to talk to: All my friends and it depends on the subject.
-Favorite song at the moment: Would you be so kind and other songs by Dodie
-Grade of School you hated and why?: Not too sure because every bad thing has so much good things in it too but this year has been sorta crappy due to missing the friends away from me (prinrosevalintin the meanie), heart breaking drama, and stressful crap.
-Hometown: Rochester, Minnesota
Madrid, España
Havana, Cuba,
Fort Myers, Florida
El Paso, Texas
-Ice cream Flavor
Cookie dough and Hägen Däz Belgian Chocolate aka pure heaven in a pint <3
-Jelly Bean Flavor: ewww i don't know. Bean Boozled has forever ruined jelly beans for me so...
-Killed someone: Oh yes, mentally, every single day.
-Longest Friendship: my bfffls Nicole and Beam (whitetigergiraffe beam_seals_ ) 8 years together for now. Long live the Three Musketeers! <3
-Milkshake Flavor: Chocolate, I'm a severe OCD. Obsessive Christmas Disorder. Obsessive Chocolate Disorder. Obsessive Cats Disorder. ;)
-Number of Siblings: One big brother, already married and 26, he's the best and I love him to death. But technically my friends are my sisters so I have like 15 siblings or so. <3
-One Wish: A billion other wishes because I can never think of a wish until I desperately need one and at those times I can think of a billion wishes.
-Person who Called Me Last- Nicole (whitetigergiraffe)
-Question you're always asked: Woah u talk?! I honestly couldn't think of anything but I'm very quiet in class and I'm only crazy and loud with my friends or alone so whenever I speak in class people look at me like I have opened the portal to Narnia and Im a talking pancake spitting out narwhals..
-Reasons to Smile- Literally everything. Friends, family, miracles, love, laughing so loud you can't even function, staying up late with the people you love, playing with your pets, feeling proud of yourself, literally everything as long as you see the bright side of life and dance through the storm.
-Song you last sang-  Brown Eyed Girl <3
-Time you woke up- 8:55 for my orchestra Christmas concert
-Umbrella Color- Pshh who needs umbrellas?! I like getting drenched with the rain but it barely rains anyways... :/
-Very Favorite Thing To Do- Laugh with my friends and write
-Which Celebrity would you marry? - Ummmm I'm not sure maybe the main dude from Fantastic Beasts
-X-rays you've had?- Teeth X-rays because stupid braces *sigh. and spine X-rays because of back problems running in the family.
-Your Last Tear- Yesterday... drama happened so yeah..
-Zodiac sign- Virgo and proud.

I will tag... 😈:
beam_seals_ Amanda_Leopard AnonymousFanGirl12 BabyOrlando ThatHumanGirl
If you have already been tagged before me then just ignore dis..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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