Head in the Clouds

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The little girl with the dull brown eyes

Had a dream to venture the skies

With a deep breath, her little toes danced out the door towards her great expedition

With an excited smile tugging at her lips , with her heart filled with ambition

The girl with the dull eyes exhaustedly looked up at the cotton candy clouds

Her heart burned with desire to be up there, away from the cruel. Away from the loud.

Just for a second, so she could calm down

Then she would come back, with her frown turned around

All of a sudden, It started to rain

Her body was filled with cold and pain

The little girl with the dull eyes reminded herself again and again,

You have to see rain, to get to the rainbow. So she danced through the pain.

She stomped on the puddles and made a splash

She laughed over the lightning, louder than the crash

As she danced through the shivers the raining ceased

The glittering rainbow, was right there, a precious beast

The girl laughed louder than ever, a fresh eager breath filled her tired lungs

She noticed it seemingly went on forever, and started climbing its ladder like rungs

Slowly and slowly she entered the clouds

Farther and farther from the mean crowds

A beautiful smile formed on her pink lips

Around the pink plump clouds she twirls and skips

With laughter shining as much as the sun

She felt as happy as ever. Her spirit had already won.

She saw her eyes reflected in the skies

Out of her spirit, flew butterflies

Her heart was much lighter, letting go of unforgiving knifes

Her eyes shone brighter and she had a new perspective on life

With a smile from ear to ear, she slid off the rainbow

Shining brighter than the sun, swifter than the wind's flow

The little girl with the now shining brown eyes

Had a dream to venture the prize

The prize of life.

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