9.The rogue titan

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The rogue titan saw that hinata blacked out.He didn't know why he would do that.He didn't even hurt him in the first place.

Then the rogue titan just had to hold hinata very tightly but not to tightly and out him on tip of his head very carefully.

The titan carefully stood up and ran.Luckily hinata did not fall off when the rogue titan started to run.

The titan decided to take hinata to a calm valley where no one can find both of them.But somehow titan titan knew he was gonna have some problems along the way.

He ran and ran until all or a sudden the titan knew he was gonna fall into a trap.

(Please just pretend it's the rogue titan)

And it turns out that it was true.He got hinata from his head and decided to hold him through the trap.It dodged a bullet.Then it decided to kill of the people who were in it.When the last person got away,the rogue titan immediately catched up to him and kicked him.

It turns out that this trap was planned out this whole time in case if something bad happened.

The rogue titan kept on running to a valley.A valley that it always went to.

It kept on running until it finally arrived to its destination.The titan let go of hinata.He looked at hinata for one more time and he was still blacked it.The titan thought it was cute to see him sleeping.

It went to a nearby abandoned home with no roof.There,it was able to lay down hinata on a comfy bed.It covered hinata up with a blanket.Once the titan was done doing that it went running off to go get some food for hinata.

Hours later...

Hinata woke up again.But this time all we saw was a night sky.

"Uh..."Hinata said very tiredly.

Hinata sat up and wondered where he was."This is not my house"Hinata said.He looked around wondered where he was.

He got up and found some clothes for him next to the bed.He picked up the clothes and saw them.

 This was the only thing that he could wear right now for pajamas

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This was the only thing that he could wear right now for pajamas.He put them on and decided to go outside.There he saw grassy field and wide land.He didn't think anything of it.But he just wondered what the place was.

He looked around and saw a light in the corner of the house he was in before.He decided to take a look at it.There he saw the mysterious creature cooking up something.

Maybe more of his species were intelligent to do stuff like this.

He got close to the titan.He wondered what it was doing.

"Hi...."Hinata said.The rogue titan just looked up at him and decide to go back at what he was doing."What are you cooking?"Hinata asked.Hinata decide to go take a closer look but then the titan gently and lightly pushed him away so that hinata wouldn't get hurt.

"You....you're actually very caring...."Hinata said realizing that maybe this creature wasn't harmful at all.

The titan just blushed and decided to hand him some food."Ah...thank you!"Hinata said.He decides to wait a little while for the food to cool down.While he wired he went back to the house to grab his history book.He went back outside.

He turned to the same page he was before."Look...its information about you...."Hinata said already knowing it was the rogue titan they were talking about.

The rogue titan just looked over the book and decided to read what hinata was reading

The rogue titan just looked over the book and decided to read what hinata was reading

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                (Credit to artist😍)

They both read.They eventually became really close with each other after all of that.

It was getting dark outside so hinata called the day off."Good....night..."Hinata said feeling sleepy.He kissed the titan's nose for goodnight.The titan just blushed.

Since hinata was to tired to go back home,he decided to sleep with the titan.When hinata fell alseep,the titan out his hand over hinata to make him warm.And then it the titan fell asleep too,with hinata in his hands.

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