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So,  I'm officially, 17. Only a year left to go before i can leave this hell-hole, or at least that was the plan. But for once in my life it didnt work the way i planned, it was better. 

-April 19,1492-

This was the day when my life changed forever, and in some ways it changed for the better, but in others, not so much.

"So, how was your day?' Melissa asked, nonchalantly. I looked at her, and i mean really looked at her. She was the closest thing to a mother that i had ever had. And i pittied her, how is it possible that someone as kind, beatiful, and loving as her could be married to my dad. The asshole. The universe wasnt fair. I thaught to myself, as i quickly answered her question with a simple, "It was fine." 

She gave me a sad look, seeing right through my facade, just like a real mother would do.  "No Im serious, how was your day?" she said smiling, encouragingly. 

"Um.. the usual. School, being laughed at and made fun of. How do you think it went?' I said angrily. I instantly regretted it. Melissa was almost in tears. She was a very senstive person, and i had spoken to her much to harshly. "Im sorry." i said intantly, regretting my harsh words. 

"Its fine, i asked you answered. Thats all i wanted." she said wiping away her tears. 

"no, its not ok, i shouldnt have spoken so harshly. I just dont think i can take this for much longer." i said, she nodded. Melissa knew what john does, but being a woman back then ment you had no rights, so she was powerless to stop him. 

Later that night after dinner, Carly and Melissa were in the house tidying up and doing the dishes. I was in the barn loft across the way. It was our barn, and it had a loft above where the animals were kept. I went up there a lot to study and to just have a quiet place to think.  No one knew that i went up here. It was my secret, at least thats what i thought. 

I was up in the loft minding my own business, just thinking. Whan i heard the barn doors bang open. I got up to see who was entering the barn, it was john and his drinking  friend, Rob. They were both drunk. 

"Katherine! Little miss Katherine! Where are you?!" They shouted through the barn. 

Fear instantly ran through my veins. My first instinct was to hide. But i knew it would 10 times worse for me in the long run, if i hid. So i did what i knew was my better option, and went down to greet them. 

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