Over the Edge

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As i approached John and Rob, my father smiled. "Hello there Katherine." he practically growled. 

I stopped in my tracks, I new that cat-like look, and the purring voice. I knew what he wanted from me. And I had to hold the tears back. "What John?!" i yelled, the last seventeen years of anger coming out in my voice. 

John nodding at Rob who gave a devilish smile. He came walking towards me, taking of his clothes while he went. I backed away,Still glaring at John. "Please..." i begged. 

"Please, just leave me alone.... Please!" i couldnt hold the tears back now, i was to scared and upset. 

It was as if John didn't hear me or just didn't care. That's when Rob grabbed my arm. His firm gripped sent me over the edge. I was hysterically, screaming and pulling trying to free my self from his strong grip. He seemed to take pleasure in my struggle. He grabbed my shoulder and.... and...... well all I'm going to say is that is was excruciating. 

When they were down with me left me there naked on the barn floor. I heard as they left heading into the house. I didn't have the strength to stand up and get dressed. So i just layed there on ground with tears rolling out of my eyes. 

I don't know how long i layed there unable to move. But i was aware when Someone finally came into the barn. I felt hands pulling me upright and dressing me. They were soft kind hands, very much unlike the rough angry hand of John or Rob. 

"Im sorry, Katherine." It was Carly. 

"I can't do this anymore!" i said. 

"I know but theres nothing you can do." she said sighing. 

That sent me over the edge. "Yes there is! Im leaving right here right now! And never ever coming back!" i screamed. 

"You cant your not 18." she said rubbing my arm, trying to calm me down. 

"I dont care. Im leaving and you should too." I said. "You could come with me!" i continued.

"Are you sure?" Carly replied, hesitently. 

"Yes, Come on lets go." i urged. 

"OkaY." Carly answered with more confidence this time, 

We walked into the house together. I grabbed a bag from under my bed and thew in a bunch of clothes not cariing what they were. I packed up my bag and zipped it up. |Then i grabbed my secret stash of money that i had been saving fir this day, for years now. I met Carly in the hallway. 

"Lets go." i said firmly. 

I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the house. 

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