The Beginning

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Like all stories, let us start at the beginning of it all. 

I was born Katerina Petrova, in Bulgaria, in the early 1400's. 

I was born to Johnathon Petrova, and Ester Petrova. My father, John, worked as a blacksmith, but when he was off the job he was either at the bar getting drunk, or at home beating me. My mother on the other hand, left when i was only 3 years old, so i don't really remember her. She left because she couldn't bring herself to stay another day with the monster that was her husband. Which for the record I don't blame her for, but what i do blame her for is leaving me there with him. 

As the years passed, John just got worse. He was always angry, always yelling.I did everything for him, the cooking, the cleaning, the washing and drying. I was 8. Yet i felt like ever since mother left, i took her place, in more ways then you will ever understand. 

Once i hit puberty, around the age of 14, everything changed... for the worse. The beatings turned into rape, and sometimes he wasn't the only one doing it. It was horrible, like living in my true hell. 

Two years later, he remarried. A really nice lady, named Melissa. She was 35, when they married, but looked not a day over 20. I assume that's why he married her. Anyway, she had a daughter, Carly, we soon became like true sisters. We did everything and went everywhere together. I was jealous of her though, because, although she got beatings from my father as well, he never hurt her the way he hurt me.  

But what could i do about it, nothing, at least not yet. I was only 16 i had another 2 years and then i could leave, forever. But 2 years is a long time when your living in hell. 

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