Authors note

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S t a t u s


T i m e l i n e

December 11th 2016 -

A u t h o r ' s N o t e

•all names and characters are absolutely mine and if they're seen somewhere else, it's completely coincidental.

•i am working hard on this story and I would appreciate it if I can get some support.

•there would be some grammatical and probably some punctuation error, and if you spot one don't hesitate to notify me.

votes and comments are much welcomed and any sort of feed back.

i'm gonna try as much as possible and update everyday since it's kinda the holidays for me.

•each chapter is gonna be 1k words (sorry if you find it short/ long) just let me know the length y'all want.

•if you know how to make covers please help me, I suck at it :/

•trailers are also good so if you could make that too... I promise I'll dedicate a chapter to you.

•the start of this book kinda reminds me of when we were young by Adele.

Drumroll please...

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