Thalia I

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Thalia looked back and forth then looked her Mom in the eyes.
"Mommy, wh-where's my brother? Where's Jason?" She asked confused.
Her Mom sniffed. "I had to get rid of him."
Thalia's stomach twisted into tight knots. "What?" She asked in a small quivering voice.
"Y-y-you coul-l-ldn't have."
Her Mom nodded softly, a single tear ran down her cheek.
Anger filled the young demigod.
"No! No! You couldn't- you- you just killed your own child! You lousy no good drunk!" Thalia's scream cracked, she felt a strong tug in her gut and lightning crashed down from the sky missing her mother by a centimeter or two. The hate filled demigod wasn't fazed. She turned around and ran as far and fast from her mudering mother as possible. I'll never forgive her, never, as long as I shall breath I will not forgive her for what she has done. She is no longer my family! Thalia thought bitterly and disappeared into the woods, not looking back as her salty tears watered her face.


Authors Note:
I'm not sure if I really explained this chapter clearly. *chews bottom lip* So what happened is Thalia and Jason's Mom had went off her rocker and abandoned baby Jason at the Wolf House. Thalia didn't know that. She thought when her Mom said "I had to get rid of him" she meant she had to kill him. That's how come Thals was so sad mad, reference from the movie Home with Rihanna.
I hope that makes since with what I had wrote. I hope you, my lovelies, are enjoying the story. Love chus with all my heart. ~Katie :)


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