Leo Jason and Piper

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Authors Notes:
We all already know the story of how Leo Jason and Piper got to camp and the tragedies, the workshop fire and Jason's mother leaving him in the Wolf House when he was just a baby, that they faced.
Well, I thought I should do a few short stories about their lives before that happened and before they found each other. I may or may not do a story telling how Piper and Leo met. Not sure yet. (:/)
Welp, there chu go my lovelies. Enjoy. Love, ~Katie :)

Leo wandered into his mothers workshop. She always loved to build. That's all she ever did. That's how come he was always with his Tia Rosa, Aunt Rosa.
"What are you doing Mommy?" Little Leo asked, on his tippy toes trying to get a peek of what was on his mothers worktable. His mom's laugh was a soft as silt and warmer than a quilt. "I'm working on a shelf." She looked down at her son and a smile came to her lips.
"Do you want me to show you how to build one?"
Leo's eyes lite up and a bright elfish grin came across his face.
"Yes pleeeeeeeease Mummy."
Leo's Mom laughed and gently cuirassed his cheek, "Alright sweetie." She smiled gingerly and picked him up under the arms and put him on a chair as she started to show him how to build one.

Ever since that day whenever his mother was working in the shop Leo would work on little creations of his own. Them getting more and more impressive and complicated the more skilled he became with practice. He loved building, now he understood why Mom was always doing that. . . And that's why Leo continues to build to this day.
Even though his mother is gone, whenever he builds things, he somehow feels like she is still with him. Her soft kind smile on her face wrapping him in her warm embarrass. He'd give nothing more to just build with her one last time, hug her, at least see her, just once.
But because that is not possible Leo settles for second best, listening to his urge to build that she had given him and always creating one thing after another. . .


Piper sat on the hardwood floor of her Grandpas house, next to the crackling wood fire. Like she had many times before. She lay on her back looking up at the ceiling, listening to her grandpa tell her stories about her people, the Cherokee's, and their tales they have to tell. She could listen hours upon hours to her Grandfathers voice until she fell asleep. And she did. Piper shut her eyes so she could picture the words he was saying to her. It wasn't long until she was drifting off to sleep.


"No no no no no." Jason's mother pulled the staple out of her baby boys hands. The women's eyes grew wide. "THALIA!" She screamed growing frantic.
Thalia walked into the living room to see her baby brother Jason crying with her mother running around the room screaming her name frantically. When she spotted her daughter the mother pointed at her baby and looked at her with pleading blue eyes. Thalia examined her crying brother more carefully and her mouth dropped. "How did Jace get a staple in his lip? . . . Wait a sec." Thalia looked over at her Mom. "Did he try to eat a stapler?" Thal bursted out in laughter.

Their mother crossed her arms across her chest. "Stop laughing so much and help me."
Thalia whipped a tear from her eye all smiles. "I'm sorry. I just-" she laughed harder. "I'll never let my brother live this down."
A little pleased smile came to the Grace mother and she rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah you can plan on embarrassing your brother all you want once you get the staple out of his lower lip."
Thalia couldn't wipe that teasing smile off her face when she came over to her baby brother, tilting her head gently her smile not faltering.
"This may hurt."
Before baby Jason knew what was going on the staple was ripped out of his lip and the pain hit him like a brick to the head. He bursted out crying. 


Authors Note:
Awww baby Jason. Sooo cute.
And I can't get over big sister Thalia. XDDD I can totally imagine her as that big sister who goes out of her way to embarrass and tease her little sibling. We all secretly love that type of sibling, even if you have one you secretly wouldn't want it any other way. :)
. . . I had wanted to do more with Thalia being a big sister but if I remember right Jason was a baby or close too it when his mom gave him up to the Wolf House, so I don't have much wiggle room with Thalia being a good older sibling sadly. (:/)
But I hope chu guys enjoyed this one. The next one is Nico's backstory. I hope you guys are enjoying this story because I'm having a lot of fun writing it. :)
Love chu with all my heart my lovelies. ~Katie :)


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