Annabeth I

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Authors Note:
I don't know, I just really liked writing in first person in the last one. I think I'll write the rest of them like that. You just get more of a feel of the character we all know and love that way. :)
So here's Anniebeth's story.
Hope chus like it. ^-^  

I stabbed the oversized black laberdoodle right in the tummy and
he disintegrated into nothingness.
I dusted off the yellow powder remains on the monster off of my jacket.
It was Winter Break and we were suppose to be having a good time. 2 weeks with no school, any kids dream right? Wrong!
I despised being home. Mom and Dad always looked at me different from their other two kids. Like they didn't want me. Probably cause they don't. They would love not having me around. All I bring them is danger monsters danger and some more monsters.
Well I'm sorry that these creatures of the dark come out of nowhere and try to kill me. It's not my fault that I look like a delicious all you can eat Annabanana Buffet.

But what's with that anyway?
Monsters come and try to kill me all the freaking time and they don't do a thing to my Parents or Siblings.
. . . Maybe they have a thing for Blondes . . . Eh I doubt it, my brothers are such idiots they could pass for blondes and yet the monsters don't try to eat them . . .
Maybe I'm just special.
I shook off the idea.
I'm not special, I'm not even good enough to play with my own brothers according to Mom's standards.
I stuffed my hands in my pockets and headed inside.

"Oh no. Annabeth, did you have another Monster attack?"
My Mom dropped the dish towel and ran to my side, looking over me with fake concern. I grunted,
I'd been having monster attacks everyday for a week straight.
It's not like I'm just going to get lucky and not have a monster try to kill me in the first time in 3 years.
And stop with the fake concern.
I know you don't care.
I crossed my arms across my chest and backed away so she was no longer touching me.
"What do you think?" I retorted.
Feel that? Yeah, I'm burning you with my eyes. I'm burning your soul. I'm burning your entire being and know one can stop me. MWHAHAHAHAHA! clears throat Okay maybe that was a tad too far, even for me. XD

Mom pursed her lips and walked into the other room coming back a second later with Dad. He put his hands on my shoulders looking me over with concern filled eyes. 

"Are you okay darling? Are you hurt?" 

"What the fuck is up with you guys?! You don't care about me!
You only care about your two perfect sons! They are the ones you love.
Not me. So stop pretending you give a flying fuck if I live or die and just LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed and ran as fast as I could straight out the door not caring that they were calling to me, telling me to wait and come back. I didn't care.
They don't care about me.
So I don't care about them.


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