I'm gonna love you forever

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Kenzie p.o.v I didn't know what to do what did I just witness my sister and basically my second sister on top of each other kissing I didn't have a problem with it I just needed fresh air I ran downstairs and outside because the bus was parked I ran about 5 minutes away I didn't want Maddie and kendall to find me I carried on running until I ran into someone it was jill, she could tell i was confused I had tears down my face an breathing really fast whats up honey she said and gave me a hug I didn't know what to say so I just said I cant tell and ran she ran after me and got in front of me and asked me I just blurted it out maddie and kendall were kissing what she shouted and went to the bus.

Kendalls p.o.v I was lay in maddies legs we were talking about what Kenzie would do "do you think she will tell?" " I don't know but if she does ill be right by your side" Maddie said and I lent up and kissed her. we made our way downstairs and sat with gia we loved gia she was literaly the best person in the world she treated us like her daughters even though she was 26 and we were 15 and 16 ( I know they are 14 but just for this story) she is the only person who knows about me and Maddie we were in studio B and Maddie pushed a hair behind my ear and cupped my face and was about to kiss me but then gia walked in and we told her everything and she hugged us and told us she was always there and she always is she is so funny and caring and she always brings us to her house for movie nights and sleepovers, we made it downstairs and sat next to gia because there was only two big seats I sat on maddies knee we were having a great chat with her, behind us were Brynn holly and nia were talking and kalani kira and abby were talking jojo jess and Melissa went shopping.

maddies p.o.v me kendall and gia were talking then all of a sudden jill came in yelling KENDALL GET HERE NOW  then she saw kendall on my lap and pushed her of it get off that and grapped kendalls arm she had tears in her eyes I couldn't stand her to do that to kendall then I stood up and said Get of her oooo you don't want to be in my view right now "don't talk to her like that " kendall said oh don't tell me what to do jill said giving kendall a slap on the arm what are you doing don't treat them like that for god sake she is your daughter gia said I can treat them how I want this girl pointing to me has changed my daughter my heart sunk she grabbed my arm and looked at me right in the face you disgust me a teenager having a mid life crisis and  changing my daughter gay kendall was behind me she held my hand and shouted "SHUT UP you don't have a clue I have just been in hospital where were you were hardly seen while Maddie here was with me every second holding me while I was in pain , waiting for me in the operation thearter , crying because she cared getting a doctor when I stopped breathing making me comfy making sure I was ok but where were you spending money on yourself I don't care what you think of me your daughter or Maddie the person who I love I have someone who loves me right here she held my hand SHUT UP WILL YOU YOUR PATHETIC then she slapped her how dare she I couldn't help it I slapped her back I know its wrong but how dare she I then said Your the pathetic one hitting a teenager do you know what I love your daughter and I will look after her and love her forever so piss off" jill stood there speechless then gia went "cat got your tong" everyone laughed. 


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