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If you feel upset I got a list of fun things you could do every single week I'll add to this list. Everyday if I think of a new one I'll write it in my diary and at the end of each week I'll type it up.

Things to do when sad & bored:

• watch music videos and dance and sing to them

• watch YouTube videos of your favourite Youtubers

• write your feelings in a book and ask yourself "why does this make me sad?"

• talk to an imaginary friend of yours this sounds stupid but it kills the pain inside

• go out with your friends

• go to a pizza shop and buy pizza

•post 10 snaps and save them to your phone

• read books

•watch films that are 1+ hours long

•go shopping and buy stuff

•food- this always makes me happy

•post on Instagram

•share your feelings with people

•doodle on a note book and write about how you feel

•be proud of yourself

•read inspiring quotes

•be a chef at home and make food

•go to the park

•get fresh air

•cinema night

•have a sleepover with someone you love/like

•never speak to people who make you sad & jealous

•play games with your family

•pretend you're doing a dram my life

•draw fun stuff that happened in your life

•read relatable quotes

•read tweets from an account called: sarcasm

•wrap up Christmas presents

•think of gift to buy for people - this helps you not think about things that make you sad

•join clubs hat will make you confident

•play games

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