Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV
"You are tired, you are hurt, a moth ate through your favorite shirt-" my alarm blared making me jump. Another night of just staring at the ceiling.

I sighed pulling my baggy blue hoodie over my head and slipping on a random pair of black skinny jeans I found on the floor. My hair was a mess but I didn't care, if Danny could do it so could I.

Danny. My favorite brother. The only one who tries to have conversations with me other than yelling at me when Phoenix didn't drive me home from school. His curly brown hair and bluish green eyes amazed me. When we were little he would let me attempt to braid it.

Even though Danny "tries" to talk to me, he still locks himself in his room just like the others. Or he goes into River's room with everyone else and plays video games.

I walked downstairs greeted by all my brothers in the kitchen. They were all eating and my stomach growled. "Sorry little bro, there's no more pancakes" Colt said chewing on a pancake. Everyone had about four pancakes on their plate.

"Here Sky" Danny said handing me two of his pancakes beaming. I mumbled thanks and ate my pancakes quickly, I could tell they didn't want me here.

"Bye Danny" I mumbled before running out of the house. Since Phoenix never drove me to school I had to get an early start. It really sucks, it's a few days before Christmas break in Minnesota and I don't have any thick jackets. River forgot to buy me one.

"There's miles of land in front of us. And we're dying with every step we take. we're dying with every breath we make. And I'll fall in line" I sang quietly walking towards my school. Singing along with my music always took my mind off of how fucking cold it was.

When I was about halfway at school, a black chevy sped by. Our car. Phoenix's car. I halfway hoped that he'd turn around and pick me up out of the negative temperatures of Minnesota into his warm, comfortable, car that had heated seats. Of course he didn't, he never did. He, like the rest of my brothers, probably wished I was dead. Don't worry guys, I wish I was too.


"Dexton! Where's my money?!" Justin Clarke, the guy who beat me daily, yelled slamming my locker. He's also known as Phoenix's best friend.

"I-I don't have any money" I stuttered wincing as he punched me so hard my rib cracked. I slid down onto the floor desperately looking around for help, nobody was in the halls.

"Is the baby looking for help? It's not like anyone cares enough about you to actually help" Justin chuckled kicking me in the face making my nose gush blood.

He was right, nobody did care. The only one who acted somewhat like they cared was Danny, and not even he cared that much.

"You're so pathetic, just kill your self already. Phoenix would be so happy" Justin chuckled banging my head against the locker making everything go fuzzy.

My last thought was "Phoenix would be happy if I died" before everything went black.

I woke up with a throbbing head. People were rushing passed me and I assumed it was the end of the day.

I slowly stood up and cursed. That bastard did something to my leg. I couldn't put any pressure on it. This is going to be a fun walk.

I slid my headphones in engulfing myself in "Friend, Please". As the days progressed the more and more Tyler Joseph's words resonated with me. I'd do anything to meet him and Josh just to thank them.

I limped down the road towards my house which was about a forty minuet walk on a normal day, but since I was basically hopping in one leg it would most likely take triple that.

I was about halfway at my house when a silver car pulled up. A girl with long blonde hair rolled down the window and smiled at me. I know it's weird to say, but she looked like a dreamer. It was comforting.

"Hey! You're Skylar right?" She asked. Her voice was so soft. It reminded me of the first time I heard Tyler Joseph speak in an interview.

"Uh yeah" I said trying to be polite. I doubt it came out that way though considering as I was answering her I tried to stand on my hurt leg.

"I'm Lilly! I'm in Phoenix's grade" she smiled leaning over and opening her passenger door. "I'll take you home, you're hurt, it's cold as fuck, and I know how much of a douche Phoenix can be" she chuckled plugging her phone into her radio.

"Thank you" I smiled getting in the car. When I got in she started playing "Screen" making my mouth gal open in shock.

"You like TØP?" I asked excitedly. "Hell yeah! They're my babies" she laughed driving off towards the my house.

"Where have you been all my life?" I asked holding a hand up to my heart.

She giggled and turned down my driveway. "That's exactly what I was thinking! Hey, put your number in my phone" she said handing me her purple phone.

I put my number under ☁️Air Catcher☁️ and handed it to her. She laughed at the name and pulled up to my house. "I'll see ya later Sky" she smiled unlocking the door. I waved goodbye and hopped up to my house.

I checked the time once I hobbled into the house. It was 5:25, I usually got home around four. I better go tell them I'm home, not like they even noticed I was gone.

I crawled up the stairs hissing with every step. When I reached the top I used the railing to help me stand and I leant against the wall towards River's room where everyone most likely was.

I slowly opened his door and sure enough, everyone was in there. "I'm home" I mumbled peeking my head in. All of their heads shot up and they either looked worried or furious.

"Where the hell were you?! Your late!" Colt yelled yanking the door open. I fell onto River's floor since I was using the door to held me up.

Danny gasped and ran to pick me up. I hissed as his hand brushed against my broken rib and almost cried. At this point all of my brothers were staring at me.

"What happened?" River growled slowly pulling my face up to examine it. I flinched mumbling that nothing happened and I clinched onto Danny's sweater.

"Danny can you just help me to my room" I whimpered wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No, you're staying in here" River said pulling me from Danny's arms and laying me on his humungous bed crawling in beside me.

"Phoenix go get an ice pack, butterfly bandages, and an ace wrap. I can't believe you let this happen to him" River soar making Phoenix flinch and run downstairs to get everything.

"Don't blame Phoenix" I mumbled sleepily. River just grunted in response running his fingers through my hair.

When Phoenix got back Danny sat me up and I leaned against him sleepily. Why was I so tired?

"Sky, we need you to take your shirt off okay? We need to see if you're hurt" Colt whispered looking me in the eyes, his beautiful blonde hair had fallen and was covering one of his eyes.

"No! We don't need to do that! H-he didn't hurt me there" I said suddenly wide awake.  I couldn't let them see my scars, they'd be so mad.

"Yeah, we're taking his shirt off" Colt growled coming towards me. Colt always did have a short temper.

I guess Justin slamming my head against that locker really did something, because next thing I knew everything was black.

A/N: I'm really excited for this book! The picture above is what all the guys look like if you were wondering, and I really hope you enjoy this book!

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