Chapter 2

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Danny's POV
"Shit" I hissed grabbing Sky as he fainted. "I think he has a head injury!" I yelled pulling him into my lap so I could examine his head. The back of his head was steadily trickling blood from an inch deep gash.

"We don't have enough money to take him to the hospital over something like this... I'll stitch him up with some floss, a sewing needle, and some whiskey, and Colt can go buy some painkillers" River instructed running into the bathroom to get what he needed.

"Phoenix! Go get the whiskey and some gauze!" River yelled running back in here. I whimpered seeing Sky just laying limp on my lap as River tried to check his pulse. Just holding him in my lap brought back ancient memories, all the way to the day I swore to protect Skylar with my life.

It was his first day here...

Phoenix and I were in the treehouse playing checkers when Colt and River ran in panting.
They kept saying something about a boy in between their gasps.

I had just turned 9, Phoenix was 5, Colt was 8, and River had turned 11 about to months prior. Phoenix and Colt were adopted as babies, but I was adopted when I was 6, Phoenix was the only biological child of the Dexton's.

"What are ya try'na say?" Phoenix asked walking over to our brothers who had finally managed to catch their breath.

"Mommy and Daddy got the new boy today! He just got here!" Colt smiled jumping up and down. River looked down at him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be so excited, I think he's been to bunches of foster homes. I'm pretty sure he got kicked out" River grumbled making us all frown. Is he gonna be really mean?

"Well we won't know until we meet him" I smiled getting up from my beanbag in front of the checker board. I was never one for judging people, it made me feel dirty.

I led the way back into our house and snuck into the living room where our parents were sitting with a nice lady that had a tiny, black headed, blue eyed, boy sitting on her lap clinging to her.

"Skylar has been to about seven different foster homes and we really want to find him a permanent home. His parents would burn cigarettes on him and mix his bottles with whiskey. We took him away from there about a month ago, but every foster home's been the same" the lady sighed rubbing the small boy who I assumed was Skylar.

"We'll take him. He's too young to have to go through that much. I got in the system when I was three and I never got out, I don't won't such an innocent baby to grow up like I did" our dad said slowly walking over to Skylar.

"How would you like to live here little man?" Dad smiled pulling out a cherry lollipop. To this day, it's Skylar's favorite candy.

I figured we had eavesdropped for too long and I motioned for us all to go upstairs and wait until mom and dad came in got us to introduce us to Skylar. Our new baby brother.

"He's so tiny! I hope he's always like that, that way I can carry him around and be a good big brother!" Phoenix giggled bouncing up and down on the bed. At the time I thought Phoenix and Skylar would be inseparable.

There was a light knock on my door and I ran towards the door that my cousin Phil had covered in cat stickers when he visited us in America the previous summer.

"Hey boys, we've got a new addition to our family.. his name's Skylar would you like to meet him?"  Dad asked squatting down so he was eye level to us.

"Yeah yeah yeah!"  Colt cheered reminding me of my older brother Tyler. We got adopted to different families, but when we were in the adoption center we had to share a room. He would always play ukulele for me.

"Okay well, he's waiting down stairs with the nice lady that works for social services. Please be calm, Skylar's had a rough time" my mom whispered making us all nod furiously.

We all followed our parents slowly down the stairs and into the living room where our new baby brother was waiting.

Since I wasn't hiding halfway behind the kitchen wall this time, I was able to examine his looks. His brown hair was spiked up really adorable like, his big blue doe eyes sparkled due to the chandelier hanging above his head, and his little button nose was red possibly from crying. He was adorable.

"Skylar, these are your new brothers Phoenix, Colt, Danny, and River. When your momma and I are at work, your brothers will protect you. I promise" Dad smiled picking up Sky from the social worker. Sky clung to him and snuggled his head in dad's neck, already warming up.

"Danny will you show Skylar his room?"  Mom asked making dad put down my new little brother.

Sky peered up at me with his big blue eyes and waited for my answer. "Sure mom!" I smiled grabbing the small boy's hand and leading him up the stairs. He's so adorable.

When we got into his new bedroom I accidentally stepped on and popped a packing balloon. Making him jump and ball himself into the corner of his room. He was silently crying and I ran over to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I whispered crouching down in front of him. He just cried heavier as he heard my words so I did the only thing I could think of, I pulled him into my lap.

When he got on my lap he clung to my shirt sobbing and shaking. I started rubbing his back as I rocked back in forth for what seemed like hours. I had zoned out for a bit as I rocked him but when I came to he was fast asleep on my lap. He looked so vulnerable and I swore from that day on I'd protect him no matter what.

I broke my promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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