Chapter 1

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It was a cold, winter night in the city of Boston.

Christmas time was approaching, and people were out and about still shopping for presents.

I was walking home from my best friends house because, even though I was 18, I didn't have my license.

By now it was midnight. I lived 10 miles from her home, so the walk was treacherous. My parents were out of town, so I had no choice but to walk.

The wind picked up and the snow fell a little harder. There were not many people out anymore, so I couldn't ask for a ride home.

Boston has a city that is almost like a downtown area.

There are lots of buildings, and the streets are set up in blocks.

As I was walking down one of the blocks, I noticed an alley.

It was a long, dark, cold, alley with an abandoned car and lots of trash.

Something told me to go and look around, but I was scared.

I began to walk away, but I got that feeling again. I walked toward the beginning of the alley and stood staring straight down it.

I took my first step. I walked very slow. I was about 20 feet into the alley.

I heard someone yell. It sounded like they were saying help. I heard it again. I yelled back, "hello?"

Was someone in trouble? I had to continue on.

I saw a hand raise. Someone was laying on their back on the alley floor.

I ran over to them as fast as I could. It was a man.

He looked to be in his twenties; Caucasian and skinny. His clothes were tattered up a little bit.

He looked to be hurt. I was taught that if you find anyone hurt, you're not supposed to move them, because if they have an injury, it could make it worse.

I ignored that teaching, and flipped him over. He looked so familiar to me, but I couldn't remember of who this could possibly be. I asked the man;

"Are you ok? What happened?" He replied

"I was jumped. I was taking a walk and a group of four guys jumped me."

"What did they look like?"

"They were tall, two of them were black, one was Hispanic and the other was Caucasian."

I asked the question I've been begging to ask:

"My name is Emily. What is your name?"

He looked at me, eyes wide. He hesitated for a minute.

"You don't know who I am?" He said surprisingly.

"You look familiar, but I can't recall who you are."

He said quietly, "My name is......

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