Miles Gives a Christmas Gift

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Another of my stories. You can read this one on Wattpad, but I wrote it awhile ago . . . You don't have to read the story to understand this one, though.

Miles groaned, his head in his hands. He had gotten into another fight with Tia, but this time was different than their normal banter. This time, Tia had looked distraught after the fight, and Miles didn't know what he did.

It was annoying, having to worry about a ghost. Especially one so fixated on him. Though he couldn't deny that it was a little nice to have someone worry about him in return.

But now Tia was avoiding him, that much he could tell. So he sat on the edge of the bench, head in hands, wondering what he could do about it.

I could just apologize, he thought. But I don't know what I did wrong . . .

He sighed. It was hard, trying to understand a girl. Plus, she came from a period of time where girls were softer, not as used to the cruel world as modern girls were. She was gentle, and kind, and . . .

Miles sighed again, wrapping his warm scarf tighter around his neck and face, shivering in the cold wind. Winter was rough on him, being the sickly being he was. He sneezed and his head felt dizzy.

"Miles, are you okay?" a caring voice calls out softly to him. He knew that voice; he'd recognize it anywhere.

"Tia," he stood up abruptly, causing the ghost girl to step back in alarm, and his vision to swirl. "S-sorry . . ." he muttered, sitting back down with a thump.

Awkward tension filled the air and Tia shifted closer. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Is it your sickness again?"

Miles nodded slowly, his head spinning and his shivers escalating. Tia bit her lip and put his arm around her shoulders. She hoisted him up easily; it was simple when you were already dead.

When Miles shivered uncontrollably, Tia picked him up completely and carried him inside a building as fast as possible, worry visible in the lines on her face. If Miles wasn't so busy trying to stay warm and conscious, he would have been extremely embarrassed. As it was, it was for the best anyways, since he could barely walk and needed to be out of the biting chill.

Once safely inside the warm building, Tia set Miles down in a chair by the wall, as far from the doors as possible without being too far inside. Miles shook his head to clear the dizziness and rubbed his arms. "Thanks," he whispered as a blush climbed up his cheeks.

"Well, it is my job," Tia smiled and sat next to him, trying to warm him up more.

After a few moments of Tia reaching out to wrap Miles in a hug, only to stop halfway, then try again, Miles finally said, "You can hug me. I need the extra warmth."

Tia smiled wide and cuddled up against Miles. Externally her groaned playfully, but internally he was freaking out a little. She was close. Really really close.

"Christmas is coming soon," Tia said. Miles was feeling warmer and warmer the longer she stayed attached to his side. That was not a blush, that was not a nervous smile . . .

"Yeah," Miles nodded. "Any plans?"

Tia laughed at his joke. "Well, if you'll let me, I'll just be hanging out with you."

Miles smiled and they lapsed into a comfortable silence. The building they were in looked like a business for family history. Miles chuckled a little. If only they knew I could talk to their dead loved ones . . .

"Have you thought about what you might want for Christmas?" Tia asked, still cuddled with Miles.

Miles thought for a moment, then shook his head. "Honestly, I have no idea."

Tia frowned and nodded. "Typical Miles," she whispered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Miles blushed.

Tia sighed loudly. "Well, obviously, your answer should have been, 'I want you for Christmas'."

Tia was joking, and Miles knew it, but he couldn't keep the smile from widening on his face. "So . . . does that mean you want me for Christmas?"

Tia blushed, her cheeks and ears a bright red against her pale skin. "Wh-what? I was just kidding--"

And then, Miles leaned down and kissed her. Really kissed her, not the kiss on the cheek she enjoyed giving him, or the kiss on the hand he sometimes favored her with. No, this kiss was right on the lips, her cherry lips, sweet and innocent.

Tia's blush deepened, and she closed her eyes into it. Miles smiled and broke away, the warmth leaving instantly. But the memory stayed with him, the feeling of her lips against his making him blush again.

Tia's eyes fluttered open when she realized he wasn't kissing her anymore. She put a hand to her lips as if it had been her imagination. But the look on Miles's face was confirmation enough that it was real.

"Merry Christmas, Tatiana," Miles said softly.

Tia's eyes watered. "You haven't called me that in years."

Miles shrugged. "I thought it was appropriate."

And like that, they fell into an easy, comfortable, warm silence, cuddled together in a family history building four days before Christmas.

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