~Chapter Four~

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*a/n: say hey to Meeko*


I wake up to a weird sound. I'm not sure where it's coming from because it's dark so I start feeling around my bed and when I smack into something that is definitely not my bed I let out a startled cry. The sound stops and I feel something next to me move around.


Oh. That's right, Kocoum. I forgot about him. I have a sheepish smile on my face even though he can't see it. I basically just smacked the man's face. I look over to my bedside table and look at the clock. It's almost 2:30 in the morning. I stretch and yawn. I feel my shirt lift up and goosebumps raise where the cold air touches my warm skin. My eyes adjust to the dark and my enhanced, werewolf vision kicks in and I can see Kocoum pretty clearly. He's looking at me and his eyes are dilated. A shiver runs down my spine at the heated look he's giving me. His vision must have kicked in as well. I wonder if he forgot that I can see him? Or maybe he just doesn't care.

He reaches over and moves my totally messy hair from my face and leans in. In a split second, I'm off the bed and moving towards the door. As nice as our earlier shared kisses were and as pleasant as sleeping in his arms felt, I still just met the man and I don't quite feel the desire to give into my wolf that's screaming "MATE." I open the door and wave my hand towards the exit, giving him a silent notion to leave. A scowl mars Kocoum's chiseled features as he slowly stands from the bed. All glorious, rock hard, six feet and three inches of him unfold and begin moving towards me, almost as if stalking me. A burning sense of anticipation and dread fills me at the thought of having this powerful, alpha male looking at me as if I'm a prize he's determined to catch. The only problem is I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to be caught.

When Kocoum finally reaches me, he lifts his hand and slowly grazes his fingertip along my cheekbone, causing that scorching, fiery feeling to spread wherever his finger touches and the soothing, icy feeling follows. He then leans forward, kisses my cheek, and exits without a word. I watch as he leaves and I'm gonna be honest here, I may not want to move too quickly in this relationship if you can even call it that, but I have eyes and the man is obviously attractive, and my eyes may have slid down further than is proper at least once. Alright, as in once they got there, they didn't leave until I couldn't see him any longer. I shut the door and lean my head against it. Oh Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

With that thought, I wearily walk back to my bed and as my head hits the pillow my eyes shut and I'm out.



When Pocahontas politely kicked me out of her room, I realized that this whole "getting Pocahontas to marry me thing" is going to be a lot harder than expected. My wolf and I just kind of assumed that since we now know that we're mates and are literally destined by fate to be together, she'd jump at the chance to get married right away. My wolf is growling at the fact that she doesn't want to be with us. I know he can sense her wolf and is barely containing his excitement at the prospect of having a mate. He wants to claim her and so do I, but what he doesn't realize is that we have to take things slow if we don't want to scare her off. I need to formulate a plan to make her feel about me the way I already feel about her.

I make it to my room and quietly open and close my door. I glance at the clock and it says 2:45. Thoughts of putting my planning aside and climbing into the bed are tempting, but my wolf is too worked up for me to sleep. I pace around the room and I feel my temperature rising as my wolf and I grow more agitated at the situation. I tear the outer flannel shirt off and strip out of my jeans. Finally, my restlessness grows to be too much and I march over to the door. I grip the door handle and all but tear the door off its hinges. I quickly and silently move through the dark corridors out the front door. In only a white shirt and my boxers, the cooler temperature of the night soothes my flaming skin. I start to scratch my arms and chest. My wolf is itching to be released, dying for a run. My eyesight sharply adjusts and I can see around me as if it was daylight and I know that my eyes are glowing brightly.

Letting out a low growl, I dash off at a dead run towards the forest surrounding the mansion. When I reach the edge of the woods, I lunge forward and land smoothly on four paws. I skid to a stop and shake out my coat of dark grey fur. Feeling safe in the area, I allow my wolf control. He comes forward and starts wagging his tail. He arches his back and then extends his front legs as far forward as he can get them. He then stands tall and shakes his large head.

The easiest way to explain being a werewolf is that it's like there are two halves of one soul, the human half and the wolf half. When I'm in human form I have complete control, but I can always feel my wolf half tucked away. Being part of the same soul means our emotions are the same, his half just tends to feel them a bit stronger than I do and occasionally that's amplified like right now. When in wolf form, he has more control over the physical actions but I'm able to control the animalistic side of him so he doesn't do anything that could potentially be dangerous. Normally, I'd keep tighter reigns on him, but no one is around and he needs to be let loose sometimes or he can store tension and that causes some backfire.

Now that my wolf has control, he takes this time to take in his surroundings. He trots along through the woods and sniffs things such as logs and trees as he comes across them. The snap of a twig off to his left catches his attention and he freezes. Staring in the direction it came from, large ears perked up and facing forward, he listens for another sound. My wolf lifts his nose and sniffs the air. He immediately dashes off as he catches the scent of a rabbit. Running full speed, he quickly spots the rabbit and keeps him in sight. As he gains on him, he leaps over logs and dodges snagging branches and he gets close enough to where he could grab the rabbit by its furry tail. Finally, he scoops it up in his large mouth and slows to a trot and then a stop. He places the rabbit down and wags his tail in victory, puffing his chest out in pride and then he digs in.

Once happily satiated from his late night run and impromptu snack, my wolf falls back and relinquishes control to me. I make my way back towards the mansion. As I near it, I trot up the stairs of the porch and in through the door I haphazardly left open, closing it behind me as quietly as I can in wolf form. Normally, I would change back into human form, but because I transformed so quickly I tore my clothes and would be naked otherwise. The door to my room is still open, luckily, and I walk in. I push the door shut with my nose and then transform back into my human form. I'm covered in a layer of sweat and I smell like the woods. Blood is covering my face from my wolf's kill so I make the decision to take a quick shower in the bathroom adjacent to my room.

After drying off, I slip into a clean pair of boxers and glance at the clock. It's 5:30 in the morning. Feeling tired but refreshed from my run, I climb into bed and fall asleep with plans of getting Pocahontas to be my wife circling in my mind.

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