~Chapter Five~

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*a/n: artist creds to hyung86 for the beautiful pics above.*


I wake up to light shining in my eyes from the crack in the curtains in my room. For a minute I'm confused as to where I am but then quickly remember. Pocahontas. A grin crawls happily onto my face. I sit up and stretch happily. My run last night was very refreshing and cleared my mind quite a bit. Before I fell asleep, I devised a plan to get Pocahontas to accept me as her mate: make myself completely irresistible to her. I already know she finds me ultra-attractive, I just need to hone that and target it specifically in a way she would like. Being mates means that I have the ability to hear and sometimes even see what she's thinking. I don't think she knows that yet, or if not she doesn't seem to care because she had been blasting her thoughts at me since we had that impromptu makeout session. She thought my lips were perfect and apparently I was as sexy or even sexier than Chris Hemsworth so that means she really appreciates my well-toned body. She thinks my eyes are absurdly gorgeous and she thinks I've got a great ass. So all I have to do to really grab her attention is to highlight those features. I walk into the bathroom and do the basic hygiene routine. I then walk into my room again and begin unpacking the clothes from my suitcases and put them in the dresser and closet in the room. I leave out one of my favorite shirts that shows my muscles off and some jeans that I know are just a little too tight in the perfect places. After getting dressed, I put some chapstick on just in case Pocahontas and I decide to finish what we started last night. Finally, I allow my wolf's more powerful emotions to shine through my eyes, causing them to glow and I release just a little of my power, so as not to come off as challenging but still enough for the other wolves to feel it. After taking a good 20 minutes longer getting ready than usual, I finally walk out the door of my room and I'm gonna be honest, I'm carrying myself with a little more confidence than I usually do because I feel good and I know I'm going to capture Pocahontas's attention. I twist half my hair up in a bun and allow a confident grin to stretch my lips.

I walk down the hall and look to see if Pocahontas is still in her room, but when I knock there's no response. She's probably in the dining room. I head there next. As I walk, I notice that a few of the wolves I pass do a double take. This is to be expected as I'm an unknown alpha in their territory, but as I look closer, I realize that it's more than that. The women have their mouths dropped open and are all but drooling and the men are scowling and I realize then just how good I must actually look. Perfect. Pocahontas's voice reaches my ears as I near the dining room. She's talking to Nakoma. I stop by the doorway and allow my heightened sense of hearing to amplify her words. "Something's got all the she-wolves worked up. Have you noticed?"

Nakoma responds, "Oh yeah, the smell of their hormones are at an all-new high. I bet it's Kocoum."

I can all but hear the smirk that is no doubt accompanying Nakoma's statement. Pocahontas didn't seem to appreciate that suggestion because she says, "Yeah, well I might not be ready to marry the man, but he's my mate and I'll be damned if I let some skanky bitch dig her claws in him."

With that, I strut confidently into the room and past Pocahontas. Her gaze shifts towards me and follows my movements. I pick up on her heartbeat which has begun to speed up. I meet her gaze, give her my sexiest smile and wink. A tint of pink grows on her perfect olive cheeks. Nakoma tears her eyes from me and looks to her best friend's face. She lets out a bark of laughter and says, "Guess someone else is worked up now."

She nudges Pocahontas who glances at Nakoma and then whips her gaze back to me. She responds with a simple, "Huh?"

Nakoma laughs once again and I can't help but grin as I load my plate up with breakfast. I sit across at the table, directly across from Pocahontas and watch her as I eat. She never removes her eyes from mine except to take as much of me in as she can. I give her another award winning smile and think to myself: Gotcha.


I woke up this morning feeling quite conflicted. I want to accept Kocoum as my mate with almost every fiber of my being, but a small, almost minuscule part of me wants to keep my freedom for just a little while longer. Everyone knows in the werewolf community that marriage almost absolutely means babies and as much as I love kids I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment and I don't think I'm ready for the commitment of marriage yet either. I only just turned eighteen a few months ago and I've barely been able to relish the little freedom that brought me. Unfortunately, my wolf doesn't care because as far as she's concerned our mate is the only thing that matters right now. She keeps whining about him being unmarked and how that's dangerous or something. I don't know what that means but she's got her proverbial panties in a twist about it. I crawled out of my bed and admittedly tried to look a little more decent than usual for Kocoum. Nakoma had given me a bit of grief for that but I didn't mind her teasing. One day she'll get it when she meets her mate. While grabbing our breakfast, Nakoma and I noticed that the she-wolves entering and leaving were much more active than usual and their scents are different. Their hormones are heightened for some reason and I can't figure it out. Nakoma suggests that it's because of Kocoum being here and that set my wolf on edge. I retort sharply with, "Yeah, well I might not be ready to marry the man, but he's my mate and I'll be damned if I let some skanky bitch dig her claws in him."

Nakoma's jaw drops slightly at the vehemence in my tone but that's quickly forgotten when Kocoum struts in. I stare openly at the man walking before me. His confidence is off the chains and the power that only comes with being an alpha is radiating from him a little stronger than it usually would. My heart begins racing and in my head, Michael Bublè's version of 'Feeling Good' begins to play. He's wearing a black, fitted shirt that tantalizingly showcases his rippling arm muscles and allows all viewers to get a look at his rock-hard chest. My eyes meet his and I'm mesmerized by their slight glow bringing out the more golden hue in them. Kocoum's perfect lips part into a sultry smile that would have made my knees buckle if I hadn't been sitting. Then he winks at me and continues to where the food is lain out. My eyes slowly slide down to his backside and I see that his jeans hug him in all the right places. Damn. I didn't think he could get any yummier than he looked last night but he's proving that thought so unbelievably wrong. Nakoma nudges me and says something, but I'm so wrapped up in Kocoum that I don't hear her. I return my attention to Kocoum. He sits down across from me and begins to eat all the while holding my gaze. I refuse to break eye contact with him. The word "Gotcha" pops into my mind, but oddly, it's in his voice. I glance down at his lips and see that he's still chewing and realize he hadn't said a word. Hmmm. I look back into his eyes and there seems to be a satisfactory gleam in them and with that the song comes to its dramatic end in my mind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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