~Chapter Three~

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Chapter Three


Hold up. What? Did he just say "mine"? Excuse me, but I don't belong to anybody but me. "Now listen here buddy, I don't know where you got this whole 'mine' crap, but I don't belong to anybo-"

Next thing I know Kocoum has me flush against his giant, albeit sexy as Chris Hemsworth, body and is kissing me. Fireworks go off throughout my body and it's as if a raging heat scorches my skin wherever his hands go and then a cooling sensation following sending goosebumps along my arms. With all the strength and sheer willpower I have in me, I put my hands on his muscular, holy crap it's hard as a rock, chest and push away. He growls and ladies let me tell you I went weak in the knees. "Ok as I was saying I don't belong to anybody but me, myself and I and you can't just go around kiss-"

Once again I'm cut off by Kocoum's sensational lips. I moan into his mouth and he responds by squeezing my hips and pulling me even closer. The same firework feeling goes off and I nearly cry as I push away again and open my mouth to speak. I don't even get a sound out before he has my lips pressed against his. Shockingly, Kocoum releases me this time. He looks at me expectantly. I stand there with my mouth gaping like a frackin' salmon and then I roll my eyes and say "oh to heck with it" and pull his head back to me. If this hunk wants me to be his then who am I to disagree? Things were starting to get serious-who am I kidding things were already serious-when someone clears their throat.

We reluctantly pull apart and I groan. I was just getting used to this dang it! I look around the room to see who dared to interrupt a moment such as this. Nakoma is grinning her little butt off, Flit is absolutely star-struck, and Meeko is barely containing his laughter. As my scan continues to go I reach my father standing there with that all-knowing, poop-eating grin. I raise my eyebrow at him and he just returns the favor. He knew something like this was going to happen. Great.



Pocahontas and I are currently back in her father's office. She seems totally relaxed, even so far as if she was expecting this. I, on the other hand, am as nervous as an elephant in the same room as a mouse. He has a creepy grin on his face and it almost reminds of the Cheshire Cat. What on earth have I gotten myself into? Alpha Powhatan shifts his gaze between Pocahontas and I and then Pocahontas finally breaks the awkward silence by saying, "Dearest father, please proceed to explain why we have been sitting here for about-," she glances at her watch, "about twenty minutes. I know your special brain makes this hard for you to understand, but we don't have all the time in the world."

My jaw drops. I have never heard anyone address their parent, let alone their alpha, in such a manner. To my disbelief, Powhatan just rolls his and says, "Well, dearest daughter, first of all, drop the attitude, and second, you are in here because now that you know you are mates I would like to know where our plans will go from here."

He looks at both of us expectantly. I glance at Pocahontas and she has a deep look of concentration. Too scared to speak without permission, I hesitantly raise my hand and receive strange looks from both Pocahontas and her father. Powhatan coughs, obviously trying to cover a laugh, and says in a slightly higher pitched voice, "Yes, Kocoum, you have something to say?"

I clear my throat and begin to speak. I say, "This doesn't really change anything for me. I still would like Pocahontas to get to know me before she makes her decision."

"I see. Pocahontas? Any thoughts?"

"That's fine with me. I mean, I got to know you pretty well earlier," she states while sending a lude wink at me.

Powhatan claps his hands together and stands. Pocahontas and I stand as well and he walks around his desk and begins to usher us out of his room and says, "Let's get a move on shall we? The sooner you two get to know each other, the sooner I get to marry my daughter off."

Pocahontas jerks around and makes an incredulous sound and says, "Dad! Seriously?!"

He just laughs and I can't help but chuckle myself. Pocahontas turns around and is about to say something else, but her dad slams the door shut in her face and she just glares and then walks off mumbling something about her "good-for-nothing, idiot of a father", I'm not sure if those were her exact words, and I silently follow her. Sooner or later she stops mumbling and we walk in a peaceful silence. At some point, we end up at a door and she doesn't hesitate to open it so I'm guessing it's hers. She walks in and flops down on her bed. I hesitate outside, not sure if I should enter or not. I'm about to turn when I hear her say, "Why are you just standing out there? I left the door open for you to follow."

I pause and then hesitantly walk in. She says, "Close the door."

I do so and then awkwardly stand there looking around. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to do. Pocahontas is lying face down on her bed with her head buried in her pillows. Her hair is fanned out around her shoulders and down her back and I have the urge to go to her and run my fingers through her silky locks. She suddenly flips over and watches me for a minute. We stay like that for a while, just staring at each other, taking each other in. Then she moves and pats the place beside her on the bed. I walk over and gingerly sit on the edge of her bed. She simply rolls her eyes and then grabs the back of my shirt and yanks me down. I'm forced to lie down next to her. I lay there with wide eyes not really sure what just happened.

I'm startled when Pocahontas gets up and puts a DVD in her disc player. She walks back over and gets back in beside me. She grabs a remote off of her bedside table and turns on the TV hanging on the wall in front of us. The unmistakable intro song to Shrek begins to play and she puts the remote back down and then moves up next to me and rests her head on my chest. I instinctively wrap my arm around her and we lie there watching all of the Shrek movies and eating junk food until we fall asleep.

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