21: Trails

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"Camille...?" I knocked on the doorframe, sticking my head into the room she and Ashley shared. 

"What's up?" Camille sat up, leaning back against the wall. Her journal was splayed across her lap. She held a pen idly in her hand and was playing with it. The pages in front of her were empty, which was strange for her. 

"Not one for writing today?"

"Nah, I don't have any ideas right now. I think I've written just about everythin' now." 

"Looks like it. How many journals have you gone through?"

"Tons. There's like twenty-somethin' in the house back in Asteria, y'know. This one's my favorite, though, since it's got the SC- Amelin-code and all the stuff about the Maras. Feels important, I guess." 

I hesitated in the doorway. "Want to... want to go anywhere? Maybe you'll get inspiration from it. You always seemed to back in Aseania."

"That was a really long time ago. Sure, why not?" She stood up, pushing aside her journal. She brushed some food crumbs off her lap and ran her fingers quickly through her blonde hair before joining me at the doorway. "So, what're we doin'?"

"Well..." I licked my lips once before speaking, feeling my face heat up. "I haven't had much time to talk to you lately. I miss the days when it was just the two of us, in Aseania."

Camille looked at me quietly. "Well, okay, then. Let's go." 

I looked back at her. "Camille? Is there something up? Are you upset? You've been a little... off lately. I didn't really notice it until we went to Zephia-"

She shook her head. "Nah, it's probably nothing. I mean, I don't feel different. Maybe I've just changed a little. Learned a little. Grew up a little. So... where're we goin'?"

"The centre of town. We can hang out there. There's the square, with the station. We can get food there."

"All that way for station food?" She hesitated. 

"I love those snacks they have. And you do, too. It'll be fun! Well, if you don't think you're up to it-" I smiled playfully. 

"Well, I know what you want me to say. Hell yeah I am," She interrupted me, smiling herself. "As long as I don't have to wait for you every step of the way." 

"This is Kaviel, not Aseania! Also, I was waiting for you back in Zephia, when you basically couldn't even stand up," I protested, walking down the stairs. "Come on, let's go and ask Ashley for a basket lunch." 

"Speakin' of Zephia, I'm still lookin' through the Amelin records, but there's nothin' about that weird dragon-thing. Maybe we could go to the Brandt estate. Oh shit- I totally forgot about Ashley. You think he'll let me go?" Camille followed me, running her hand up and down the worn wooden banister. 

"Yeah, he will. Ashley always gives in eventually. If he doesn't, we can make a run for it. And find berries or something. We can always just buy the stuff. Do you have any money?" 

"Yeah, I stole some from Ashley today morning, when he wasn't lookin'. I think he leaves his wallet out on purpose." Camille made a face. "Don't eat the berries in Kaviel.The only berry that grows here is a stratoberry. Those taste funky." 

"'Funky'?" I echoed, "What an interesting choice of words." 

She winced. "We don't talk about that one." 

"Not happening. I'm going to make you remember that for the rest of your life. I'll even tell Sonnet and Ashley so that they'll tease you about it, too. You'll never escape." 

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