23: A-21

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That night, after Sonnet finally fell asleep, I stepped out onto the streets of Lyne. There was a lot on my mind. I needed time to think about it all. Not just my situation, either... everything. There was just too much to think about at once. I needed to take a walk. I needed to clear my mind. 

The streets were slightly shiny, like it'd just rained. It hadn't, though, I knew that for sure. Maybe it did. I didn't really remember. None of that mattered. That wasn't important. Some of the streetlights were already off. The sun would be rising soon. I had to get back by then. The café would be closed, as usual, but still... I didn't want them to worry. Especially not Sonnet. 

I walked aimlessly, running everything that happened in this world... Elliot... My head hurt. Thoughts flitted in and out of my head. The confusing tangle of emotions- the same one that had enveloped me when that man- Joel- had confronted me- it came back again. I didn't know what to feel about my situation. I didn't know what to feel about the things that had happened. Too much. 

What time was it? The sun hadn't risen yet. Not yet. Still not yet. 

My mind clouded in confusion. It was like clouds, dark ones, had filled my head. Everything lost its edge, dulling in a dim haze around me, the colors of the Waking World fading. I felt faint. Walking felt strange now. Each step seemed to bounce me up, like I was floating above the ground... 

Suddenly, a small rubber ball bounced towards me, hitting me right in the middle of the chest. The world immediately snapped back into complete clarity. I looked around myself, a little confused. As quickly as the haze had come on, it had disappeared. A slight panic descended upon me as I realized how unfamiliar the streets looked. I had absolutely no idea where I was. The streets were generic-looking, with no landmark whatsoever. I heard the sound of footsteps from the direction the ball came. Slowly, I turned around. 

A little girl stood there. She was dark-skinned with curly black hair streaked with orange gathered into short pigtails. Her clothes were strange, looking somewhat like the clothes I'd seen... somewhere in the Waking World. I couldn't remember. My head hurt. She had on this long-sleeved red coat with gold on the hem and sleeves, with dark-colored pants. The girl approached me slowly. She was smiling like a Cheshire Cat. That was the first thing I thought of when I looked at her. She looks like the Cheshire Cat. 

I bent down and picked up the ball, proffering it to her. "Is this yours?" I asked. 

She nodded her head.

"Want it back?" I tossed it towards her, hoping that it wouldn't hit her. I didn't need any trouble right now. 

She made no attempt to catch the ball, letting it bounce past her. She shook her head, but her grin stayed. 

I was beginning to feel uneasy, but instead of running, I stood there, still. My mind was blank. Nothing. I couldn't feel anything. 

"You were looking for me," She said. Her voice was deeper than I would expect, rather raspy, giving off a sarcastic vibe. She continued to walk towards me and I noticed that her eyes were bright yellow. Weird color. It reminded me of my bedroom back home. Is yellow gender neutral? Why did that matter? No, focus on the important, Azure. Her eyes were... they looked... like... like mine. They looked normal. Like a person's eyes from the real world. Her grin never left her face. 

I shook my head. "I don't think so. I was just taking a walk when your ball hit me. Sorry to bother you. I need to go," I heard myself say. The voice seemed so faraway. It was like I was underwater. Or hearing my own voice come from someone else. It didn't feel like I was saying it. 

"You were. My name is A-21. Ring a bell, Real Girl? I saw you in Zephia. I don't like that Camille's attitude, by the way. Joel just told me that you were here, in Lyne, waiting for me. Here I am!" She spun on her heels, her hands clasped behind her back. She was still coming closer. I stood still. I couldn't move. It was like seeing the world from someone else's eyes. But it was me! I didn't- I had no control. 

Elliot: A Lucid DreamWhere stories live. Discover now