He Wakes Up

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Arthur got Merlin back and the knights helped to carry him to Gaius. Once they got him there, Gaius got straight to work. He cleaned the wound, stitched it up and but some herbs mixed together onto the now closed wound to prevent infection then wrapped it up. Alex had found out about Merlin almost instantly once they were back in the city and had begged to be let in. The moment Gaius was done he thought he should let Alex in, so he opened the door and told Alex to be quite and gentle. Alex nodded his head and shot into the room where he saw his brother still unconscious in a bed that lied in the middle of the room. "Is he going to be ok?" Alex asked gently, fear and worry in his eyes.

"Prince Merlin will be fine Alexander. His magic is helping greatly with your brother's injuries. I must say in all my years of being a Court Physician to men, women and sorcerer alike I have never seen magic automatically work without some form of incarnation. Your brother is very special." Gaius smiles at the young Prince who smiles widely with pride and admiration.

"I know! Merlin is the only one in our who line of family members to ever be magic! And he was born with it too, he didn't have to learn it because Merlin is the best!" Alex explains happily, glade that his brother is ok. You could tell that Alex really looked up to Merlin, it was obvious that Merlin was Alex's hero. "I leave so Merlin can rest. Thank you for letting me see him." Alex said but before walking out the door, he waved goodbye with a smile on his face.

"The kids smart, I'll give him that." Arthur smiled, but only for a moment. "Will Merlin really be ok?" Arthur asked as he looked at the man he's fallen in love with.

"Yes Sir. He will be fine." Gaius replied with a soft smile. Arthur nods his head before sitting down next to Merlin and moving some stray hairs out of his face softly so he wouldn't wake Merlin up, knowing his rest was vital to a quick recovery. "I will give you a moment alone." Gaius states before leaving the room to go pick some herbs.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you properly. At the moment, I wish you didn't have magic so this wouldn't have happened to you...but...you wouldn't be Merlin without it. I love you Merlin" Arthur smiles softly at the man resting before him. He leans down ever so slowly before gently pressing his lips to Merlin's. He pulled away only an inch before a hand on the back of his head moved him back down and Arthur's lips came back into contact with Merlin's. After a while they pull away and Arthur could gaze into the sky-blue eyes he loved so much.

"I love you too Arthur Pendragon." Merlin whispered as he and Arthur embraced each other.

Arthur pulled away and placed Merlin's hands into his own. "Merlin. You and I have known each other since we were children. I have loved you since the day we met but I never really knew that till recently. I love you Merlin, and my only regret is that I didn't realise it sooner. However, I know now what is important and that's you. I don't ever want to lose you again Merlin. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, have a family with you, and grow old with you. So, I have something important I would like to ask of you. Merlin, will you be mine forever, and marry me?" Arthur had done it, he had finally asked Merlin to marry him. He just wished he had a ring for Merlin, but he knew that something like a ring wouldn't matter to Merlin.

Merlin smiled so widely. "I love you too and always have. I too never wish to lose you and would also love to spend the rest of my life with you, have children with you, and grow old with you. So, Arthur Pendragon...the answer to your question is...yes. Yes, I will marry you, you cabbage-head!" Merlin exclaimed, hugging Arthur tightly. Wincing at the pain in his side slightly.

Arthur pulled away and kissed Merlin before gently placing Merlin back down onto the bed with a big smile on his face. "I don't want you hurting yourself Merlin, I want you to rest. You can react like that when I propose to you properly." Arthur told the black-haired man he loved.

"You know I don't need a ring Arthur. Just you." Merlin states with a loving smile.

"I know, but I want to. You deserve that and so much more." Arthur says with a smile. "Now I want you to rest while I go run a few errands I need to take care of. I'll be right back, I promise. Good bye Merlin. I love you." "Arthur says with a loving smile.

"Good bye Arthur. I love you too, now and always." Merlin states, and with that Arthur leaves. Merlin looks up at the ceiling now and sighs with the biggest smile on his face and a blush spreading across his cheeks. "There is no why I'll be able to get to sleep now." Merlin says to himself breathing in, then out deeply in a bliss. This was all like a wonderful dream come true. Merlin has loved Arthur since the day they met but was always too afraid to do anything because he worried that he might lose Arthur as a result, but Arthur had just said that he has loved him for just as long and has just asked Merlin to marry him. If this was all a dream Merlin never wanted it to end but he knew full well it wasn't, and that's what made him even happier.

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