How long?

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It's been a few weeks since Merlin's lesson on the training field and his wounds were almost completely healed. Something they were all very grateful for as no one liked seeing the Prince in pain, and he was lucky to have magic to speed up the healing process. Everyone, from the animals, to the citizens, knights, royal family, and visitors that came through Camelot loved the dark haired Prince, as he cared for everyone. He would go out of his way to help others. The amount of times someone has been shocked to have a Prince helping them with sometimes the smallest things, not quite believing that a Prince would go out of their way to do duties that weren't there's to deal with, and Merlin would simple say it's was only a title. He was quickly loved by everyone because he wasn't like most royalty, everyone could tell he truly cared and his little brother did his best to closely follow in Merlin's footsteps. However, for the most part he would get distracted and start playing with other children his age, or cuddling with animals and the Merlin was too sweet to not let him be a child and connect with others his own age. Merlin always has the fondest smile on his face when he's catch his brother playing with other children, or cuddling with an animal. It was nice the see Merlin happy too.

There was only one miner thing. The Prince may not be in the city much longer. You see, it's Merlin's birthday soon and he always spent his birthday with his family, which meant that sooner or later he's be going home as his birthday fell in the middle of summer and it was already reaching that point. Though, something no one really understood was how Merlin's birthday always happened during the first snow if his birthday happened during the middle of summer. Perhaps is was some sort of metaphor, or maybe he accidentally made it snow when he was younger and had less control of his powers and no one has forgotten about it since. Furthermore, since getting his injury his family have been quite worried and wanted him home. The only thing that stopped them sending out a small army of knight to escort their sons home was Merlin's quick reassurance with a spell that allowed his parent to actually see him and therefore assess the injury and how their son was fairing for themselves. They were willing to let Merlin and Alexander to stay up to the originally planned date so that they could celebrate his birthday. Which ment it was only a matter of time before he left and Arthur didn't want him to leave yet. He wanted to propose properly and spend more quality time with him.

There was only one thing he could do. First, he needed to know if Merlin was going to leave and when. Even Arthur wasn't sure of the actual date of Merlin's birth, all anyone besides close family and the dark haired prince's kingdom seemed to know was that it was during summer. Once Athur knew when Merlin was leaving he'd be better prepared in trying to get the Prince to stay here with him. If Athur could pull this off and figure out Merlin's actual birth date, he could properly whoo the Prince, all leading up to big day, then giving Merlin an extra special birthday for staying here in Camelot with Arthur. Then, when the moment was right, Arthur would propose to his whole world in front of everyone, so that they can also share in that moment of their love for each other, see how they complete each other and know how much they truly love one another.

Phase one: ask Merlin when he plans to leave.
Athur was already struggling and he was only on phase one of his plan. To be fair, he's only really thought of a plan as far as phase one because he honestly doesn't know what he'll do with the information once he has it. Maybe he should have thought up more phases of his plan first and prepared for any situation and he's only really planned for things to go well. Can't really ask Merlin for help ether...God he's an idiot.

"I think that's something we can all agree on, yes" Merlin stated in an amused voice, making Arthur jump at his love's sudden arrival. How long had he been standing behind Arthur? Did Arthur say all of that out loud? If so, how much had Merlin heard? "Though I'm curious to know how exactly your an idiot at this current moment in time." Good, that meant he didn't hear everything or he hadn't said everything out loud. Then again, maybe he had and Merlin was messing with him. Wait...current moment in time...what was that supposed to mean? Surely he wasn't that bad. "Arthur, you are always an idiot, but your my idiot. Also, before you worry, no you didn't say that outloud nor did I read your mind. Didn't have to when it's written all over your face." Merlin chuckled lightly, and Athur couldn't help but smile somewhat goofily at the man who held his heart. Arthur was happy being an idiot if it meant he was Merlin's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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