The one and Only. . . .

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Riley's POV

"Rilllleyyy!!!!!" A groan came from me while turning away from my bedroom door, My mom bursts through the door panting as if she had ran a marathon.

"Riley Wake up Its 8:25am"my mom yelled, like her life dependent on it.

"Ugh not now please" I begged while hiding under the blanket.

"No you're getting up and getting ready" she angrily told me then left.

I laid in bed for like 2 minutes. Before I got up and started to get ready. I already showered last night so there is no use. As I walk to my dresser Pulling out a blank tank top with a pair of black skinnies. Putting on my clothes I grab my sweatshirt from under my bed. Pulling it over my head and walking downstairs to find the kitchen and living room empty. my mom probably left for work. Which mean I'm walking Yay! note the sarcasm.

Im not really hungry. So I just grab a apple and start leaving for school. As I was walking I kept thinking ' what would happen today' Guess will never know. My school which is called Roman High School. which is a weird name. anyways is only a 10 minute walk from My house.

Finally I reach the School. In less the 5 minutes Whoo New record Riley pat yourself on the back. As I was walking through front doors. I bump Into a hard chest. Which causes me to Fall on my Ass ' Ouch'.

" Fuck women watch where your going next time" a very husky voice say. Which cause Shivers done my spine. As I look up I'm suddenly remember that voice. Those eyes . And that Stupid jerk face smirk. That belongs to the one and only

Colton Haynes






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