Chapter 20

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Bona's POV

**2 weeks later**

It's been a while since I've been to the doctors. The last time I went was when I coughed up blood. I still do that and I still don't know why. My phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered it.

D: Annyeong, is this Jeon Bona?

B: Ne. Who is this?

D: I am doctor Im. I checked up more on your sickness. You might not like what I'm going to tell you.

B: Tell me doctor Im.

D: You have.......(A/N: You guys will know in the last chapter what sickness she has.)

I dropped my phone. My eyes became watery. This can't be happening!

Jungkook's POV

I went downstairs and saw Bona just standing there with tears in her eyes.

"Bona, gwenchana?" I ask. Bona looked at me and wiped her tears away.

"Ne." Bona said. I went up to hug her.

"If something is wrong, just tell me." I said.

"It's nothing. I just miss my omma so much." Bona said.

I held onto her tighter.

"Please don't cry Bona. Your mom is in a better place now. She'll always be by your side no matter what." I said. I pulled away and picked up her phone.

"Why is your phone on the ground?" I ask.

"'s just fell out of my pocket." Bona said.

I handed the phone to her.

"Bona, let's go on a date." I said. Bona shook her head.

"I can't today. I have to go visit Sunyeol. She said she needs to talk to me." Bona said.

"Oh....well, that's okay then. Maybe another time." I said faking a smile. Bona smiled and left the house.

Bona's POV

I lied to Jungkook so that I can go to the hospital and talk more about my sickness. I went inside the hospital and went up to the front desk.

"Excuse me? Is Doctor Im available right now?" I ask.

"Oh, ne. He's in his office." the nice lady said.

"Oh, gomawo." I said bowing. I went to his office.

I knocked lightly on his office door.

"Come in." I heard him said. I opened the door slowly and walked in. I sat on one of his chairs. He looked up and was surprised to see me.

"Mrs.Jeon, is there something wrong?" doctor Im ask.

"Ne. Are you sure I have*****?" I ask. Doctor Im sighed and nodded his head slowly.

"I can't have *****! I don't want to leave my family and friends!" I yelled.

"Calm down Mrs.Jeon. This sickness is something that people have once in a while. There's always a way to cure it." Doctor Im said.

"Then cure my sickness. I can't have this. It's not right. I can't leave my husband or my child." I said tears welling up in my eyes.

"Miss, yours is severe. We don't know if we can cure yours." doctor Im said. Tears were now falling down my cheeks like a water fall.

"Miss, please stop crying. We'll try our best to cure your sickness." doctor Im said. I looked at him and nodded.

"Gomawo doctor Im." I said bowing at him.

Mr & Mrs (Jin and Jungkook FF) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now