Aurora and Phillip reunite again

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Aurora walked over to a tree. She put her coat on the tree's branch. She looked at her animal friends. She giggled a little.
She said," Oh it would be wonderful if a boy was here to dance with me."
Her animal friends nodded there heads.
She said," Why look it's my dream prince."
She giggled. She was pretending that her coat on the tree branch was a person. She bowed. She walked over to the branch.
She said," You know. I'm really not suppose to speak to strangers. But we meet before."
She started singing and dancing.
She said," I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream."
Phillip heard someone singing. He followed to where he was hearing the voice.
Aurora said,"I know you that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam."
Phillip peeked out of a bush he saw the girl. He said in his head that has to be the girl I meet. She's so beautiful. Aurora kept singing and dancing.
She said," Yet I know it's true that visions ourselves from all they seem. But if I know you I know what you'll do. You'll love me at once. The way you did once upon a dream. Na Na Na Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh."
Phillip went over to where Aurora was. He stood behind her.
Aurora said," But if I know you I know what you'll do. You'll love me at once."
Aurora and Phillip both said," The way you did once upon a dream."
Aurora turned around.
She said," Oh."
Phillip said," I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."
She said," Oh ha. It wasn't that it's just that your a...a."
He said," A stranger?"
She said," Mhm."
He said," But don't you remember we meet before?"
She said," We...we have?"
He said," Well of course. You said so yourself once upon a dream."
Aurora walked over to a tree when Phillip started singing.
Phillip said," I know you I walked with you once upon a dream."
He touched Aurora's hand.
He said," I know you the gleam in your eyes is so familiar your gleam."
Aurora smiled. Phillip grabbed Aurora's hand. They started dancing together. Phillip spun her around too. While they danced they sang together too.
They both said," And I know it's true that visions ourselves from all they seem. But if I know you. I know what you'll do. You'll love me at once. The way you did once upon a dream."
They walked over to a hill.
Phillip said," Who are you? What's your name?"
Aurora said," Hmm? Oh my name why it''s oh no I can't tell. I'm sorry. I really want to tell you. But I can't. I'm sorry."
He said," Oh."
She went silent.
He said," When will I see you again miss?"
She looked at him.
She said," I don't know. But I do really want to see you again."
He grabbed her hands.
He said," I would do anything to see you again your so beautiful."
She smiled.
She said," Hmm no ones ever said that to me before."
He said," What they are totally blind then because you are beautiful."
She smiled.
She said," Thank you sir."
He said," Your welcome."
She said," Oh no not now."
He said," What's wrong?"
She said," I should go its getting late I'm sorry. But it's been a wonderful time."
He ran after her.
He said," Wait!"
She stopped.
He said," I have to at least see you again."
She said," How about tonight?"
He said," Where's your house?"
She said," It's at the cottage in the glen."
He said," I'll see you tonight then."
She said," Yeah."
They hugged each other goodbye. Aurora was saying in her head. Oh he's so sweet and handsome. I wonder if he was the guy I've been waiting for? I can't wait to see him tonight.
Phillip was saying in his head. This girl is so mysterious. I like that she's mysterious though. She's just so beautiful. I can't wait to get to know her more tonight. I wonder if she's the girl that I've been thinking about?

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