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All novels and poems are All Rights Reserved Copyrighted Material; Poems, Novels, Including chapters, prologues, epilogues and all associated content is copyrighted under  the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of these works. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of these works constitutes as an infringement of copyright and IS punishable by law.  

Dear Reader:

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it.  Understand that this is my story and stealing it or reproducing it in any way that has not been approved by the author (me) will result in consequences. This story is fictional and may not have certain facts right. I'll update when I can and always try to write the best for me and you. I love my story and I hope you do to but if not don't spread your hate. All readers, fans, votes and reviews/critiques are appreciated and encouraged. Any thoughts, questions you may have about Rejection feel free to pm me or leave a comment and i'll try to get back to you. Rejection may have certain things to mature for some people and may contain things you don't like/ approve or support. Thanks for reading.


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