Young Mira (Mer-Ah) she's mixed with black and white she is in the 12th grade she's about to graduate . She works at a homeless shelter . She is focused on her future in cooking . She meets Lucas at the homeless shelter he just started doing communi...
Mira POV I wake up out of bed and get in the shower and lotion up . I spray some perfume on and put on my bra and underwear . This is what I'm wearing today
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Anyway I finish doing my hygiene and wet my long red hair and put it back into a curly bun . And get my phone and walk to my bus stop . I see this boy there and I guess I can call him my friend I've known him some 8th grade I can vibe that he has a crush on me he's cute but I don't know I'm focused on my future boys come later . So I get on the bus and ride to school . "Hi Mira " he said siting next to me . "Hi what's your your name " I ask . "My names Jason " he said . "Well hi nice to meet you Jason " I say smiling . "Um I know that you probably have a boyfriend but I was uh wondering if if .." he said before I cut him off . "If if if you would like to talk to me tonight at 8:00 at Olive Garden " I said smiling . "Uh yea that's what I was going to say " he said . The whole ride to school he kept making me laugh
We soon get to school and I go to my 1st period which is Home economics . I love cooking one day I want to open my own restaurant . Anyway it's this ignorant a**hole that likes to hit on every girl I can't stand him . "Hey what's up baby " he said . "Uh it's Mira and you are" I say raising my brow . "My names Cameron " he said smirking . "Uh whatever can you leave me alone I'm trying to focus on my-" I was interrupted by my teacher Ms.Gray . "Well YALL can do plenty of talking in detention Ms Mira and Mr Cameron . She says while the whole class Ooooooooooo's . I roll my eyes and continue to work.
2:34 and we're at detention . I remain silent and text Jason . Jason ☺️🙂:So that idiot got you in trouble 🤔. Mira 😍✨: Yes and he tried to talk to me 💀 Jason☺️🙂: Tell that nigga back off 😂cause your mine . Mira😍✨: maybe we'll discuss that over dinner 😘😂. Jason ☺️🙂: bhet 😍💦
"So when you gonna be mine " he asked . "Never " I said rolling my eyes . "Why not you look like my type " he said . "Well I'm not , I'm not some kind of hoe that you can just get in bed " I said . "My bad " he said . "Lemme take you out" he said . "I have somebody already " I said . "What's his name " he asked . "None of your business " . "Look Ma I'm just trying to get to know you how bout this I'll give you my number " he said smirking . "Why should I get your number " I said rolling my eyes . "Cause I wanna get to know you so I know how to treat you " he said smirking . " Fine but just as friends " I said giving him my phone . He put his name in as BigDaddyCam💦😍😛."your stupidity is amusing" I said laughing . "Well I'll amuse you anytime he said smirking .
Anyway it's 7:00 and I wash up and do my hygiene and get dressed
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this is what I'm wearing, I texted Jason to make sure he was on his way I blow dried my hair and flat ironed it with my gold cat ears .He pulls up in an all black Camaro I was shocked . I didn't know he had style . So I get in and he starts driving . He's making me laugh the whole way there and we actually have a lot in common .
Jason POV I definitely like Mira she's everything I could hope for in a girl she smart cute and has a great since of humor . She plays hard to get and I'm dealing with it I think she likes me too I don't know all I know is I'm hungry and I got a pocket full of money . I know the waiter he's my cousin so he can hook us up with some free alcohol .
Mira POV So I don't know if Jason knows the waiter but he hooked us up with some wine and I never drink before I was nervous but I was ready I guess . So he brings back a bottle of champagne and pours it . My heart starts beating the faster it pours . "Now may I take your order . "Yea lemme get shrimp alfredo and my appetizer calamari . I said . "Can I get the Parmesan shrimp thanks man " he says handing our menus to the waiter . "Why aren't you drinking you nervous ". He asked . "Pshhh Nahhh what I've totally had champagne before " I said trying to be believable. "It's ok if you don't want it you don't want it I'm not gonna force you baby " he said biting his lip . I instantly got that ...sensation . I take the glass and start drinking . I chugged it down believe it or not it's good . I guess I had about 7 glasses and I was getting lit . "You ok Mira " he asked laughing . "Are you ok cause I am lit" I slurred . He paid the check and I'm struggling to walk . He helps me to the car . "So I'm assuming you had fun " he asked smiling shaking his head . "Boy hell yes my first time drink my BUT I don't care I wanna do it again " I said laughing . "Hey come here " I said pulling him closer to me . I started kissing him all over . "You you sure you wanna do this " . "Yea don't you see me " I slurred . "No I don't think you are your drunk " he told me . "Who are you to tell me what I am " I slurred rolling my eyes . "Cause I'm not about to take advantage of you cause your drunk " he said . "Whatever just take me home " I said wiping my lip . "Ok " he said . He drives me home . "Bye " I said trying to walk. "Bye" he said . I walked into the house and plopped down on the bed and fell asleep .I woke up and realized I overslept I had to be to school at 7:54 and it's 9:30 so I try to get out of bed but I couldn't I felt the urge to throw up so I ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out . . I looked completely out of it . I took a bath and dried off and lotioned up and did my hygiene . I know it wasn't just the alcohol it was the food I knew the shrimp tasted worst than I thought . I grabbed my purse and phone and headed to the doctors .
They told me I had food poisoning and I had to stay out of school for 5 days and take antibiotics and keep myself hydrated and only eat soup and salad . I texted Jason and told him about me being sick.
Mira 😍✨: Ok so turns out I have food poisoning and I have to stay out of school for few days and I'm really sorry about last night ...forgivzies 😔☺️. Jason☺️💕: Your good can I come by after school you missed hell of work . Mira😍✨: thanks babe 😘..your something special . But I'd like to keep our relationship steady it's nun official yet 🙂💯. Jason ☺️💕: Ok 🙂but don't worry imma get you one day . Mira😍✨: bye lil boy 😂☺️! Jason ☺️💕: By Lil girl 😂🙂!!
I drove OF to the store and got some canned soups and vegetables and cold waters . As soon as I got home I heated up my soup and cut some tomatoes and onions and put pepper on it and ate it all but it didn't stay down so I throw up tmi moment . I took my medicine turned on bad girls club (season 16) and doses of to sleep .