~Chapter 3~

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Mira POV
So last night was great . It was my first time and he kept it 😋. I'm really sore though and I'm kinda walking weird . I left his house early cause I had to be at mines or my mom would question me . Anyway my birthday is 3 days away and I can't wait I'm turning 18 and it's gonna be a house party cause my mom is going out of town for a couple days she gonna give me money and freedom and probably a card .

3 day later September 7

Jason POV
Ok so today's Mira's birthday and she having a house party . Her house is huge af

 Her house is huge af

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So anyway I brought her flowers and a promise ring

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So anyway I brought her flowers and a promise ring .

Mira POV
"Heyyy baby " I said as Jason hugged me . "Happy birthday baby " he said . "Baby I know we just started being a couple and I was your first but I wanna give you something " he said getting down on one knee . "Woahhh I just turned 18 slow down I can't get married " I said laughing . "No it's a promise ring " he said smiling

I kiss his lips and head up stairs to get ready

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I kiss his lips and head up stairs to get ready .

I get in the shower and scrub my body to I feel clean then I lotion down . Spray some of my perfume on and do my makeup . Which consist of concealer foundation black matte lipstick . I put on my outfit

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