Young Mira (Mer-Ah) she's mixed with black and white she is in the 12th grade she's about to graduate . She works at a homeless shelter . She is focused on her future in cooking . She meets Lucas at the homeless shelter he just started doing communi...
Mira POV He mugged Jason . "What's he doing here" Lucas asked . "What you doing here " Jason said getting up . "What it look like we finished " Lucas said . Jason sat on the couch and Lucas went up stairs . Soon Jason came downstairs with his clothes and keys . He gave me a hug and left . I go to get a water then when I turn around Jason picks me up and start rubbing all over me "Jason what are you doing " I asked . He didn't answer he threw me on the couch . "Why you with that Nigga " he asked . "What do you mean why I'm with him cause I'm with him " I said . "Fuck that nigga " he said sitting down . "Jason what's wrong " . "Fuck you mean what's wrong I'm stressed out and I'm just all over the place " he looked at me . "Just calm down " I said as I touched his leg . He looks down and pushed it away . It got silent the. Jason got closer and I smelt the alcohol on his breath and pulled away . "You drunk aren't you " I asked . "Why does it matter " he asked . "Cause your drunk your emotions are everywhere " I said . "Fuck outta here I know what I want I want you " he said . He started kissing me I tried pulling away now my emotions are fucked up . "Stop Jason " I said muffled . He kept kissing me . He took of my rob and I grabbed it and covered myself ."why'd you do that " he asked . "Cause I'm seeing somebody I'm not a cheater " I said . "Your not cheating " he said . "Look Jason I'm Not gonna have sex with you " I said . "You don't have to go up stairs and get ready " he said . " For What " I asked . "Just do it " he said . "Fine " I went up stairs and washed up and did my hygiene . I put on my booty shorts and my white tank top and brushed my teeth assuming he just wants to take a ride . "Come here" he said . I walk over . He gets really close and I don't know what came over me I just pulled him closer and grabbed his shirt and kissed him . "There and that's the very last one you'll get " I said he pulled me back and said "Just wait " .
2 weeks later Me and Lucas aren't t together anymore cause he felt like we should remain friends till I decide who and what I want . Me and Jason have still been talking a lot we kiss every now and then but tonight I might actually give him some .
I took a shower . I went downstairs with my rob and got some pineapples from the fridge and started going ham . Jason comes in and gives me a kiss . "So what you wanna do tonight " he asked . "Maybe finally giving you something you wanted " I said . "Oh Fr " he said licking his lips . "C'mere " I say kissing him . He lays me down on the couch and opens my legs he starts to lick all over my kitty kat . I swear I arched my back so high . Then he took off his clothes and starts to insert his member into my entrance . When I tell you it felt good it felt good real shit . I started to moan as he went deeper and slower . Then he starts to go faster and then I came . He comes not to long after that . (Sorry sex scenes getting dry but Imaa start focusing more on the love then the fucking ) . Then I start to get on top and I start to ride him I hear him groan and I start going faster then I feel him Inside me I lift my head up and he came and so did I . I kissed his lips and asked him "How was that " I asked laughing . "Damn I'm outta breath and you was riding me " he said . Anyway we wash up and the whole night we was watching movies and stuff .
2 weeks later
Mira POV Today is Monday I'm not feeling good at all my stomach hurts in tired and I'm just moody " . So today I take my shower . The warm water felt so good against my skin . 20 minutes later I get out and brush my teeth and do the rest of my hygiene . Today I'm really not feeling it so I put on this
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