King in the North

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"The King in the North" they chanted. It was weird to hear it but I like the sound of it. I looked at my sister and she looked up at me in a way she's never looked at me before, she was proud. She used to despise me like her mother, not even call me her brother like the others would, but now with all that's happened we're all each others got.

Here I am a bastard being worshipped and being called King, and all I can do is think about my missing siblings.

"Are you alright?" Sansa asked.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about Bran and Arya." I stated. 

"Well see them again, they're strong." She exclaimed.

I picked up my cup and raised it to make a toast "To their return" I said as Sansa and I clinked cups and drank. As the feast went on I began to enjoy it more with every cup of wine I had.

By the end of the night I was approached by Lord Caspian Aragon, he seemed to have a good time but as he got closer to me his face grew more serious, which worried me.

"Your grace may we talk somewhere more quiet?" He asked, hearing someone call me 'Your Grace' sounded weird.

"Yes follow me Lord Aragon." I said as I walked into a hallway where it was quieter.

"Is there something wrong m'lord?" I asked because his serous facial expression worried me.

"No there's nothing wrong" he stated with a jolly smile.

"Then what do you want to talk about?" I asked now getting a little impatient.

"Now that you are King in the North I would like to share some advice that your father told me once, a ruler rules best with a lady at his side." It took me a moment for me to realize what he was talking about. A wife is the last thing I need right now. I really wanted to tell him off for even suggesting it, but I held it together, because I respected him.

"I have too much on my mind as it is and taking a wife would be too much." I responded.

"Take it from someone who did it the hard way and take a wife. A wife, a queen would take off some stress that you have." He enquired

"Who would I even marry?" I asked still distraught about this proposal.

"I have a daughter." He said and it all came clear why he suggested a marriage.

"If she looks anything like you it's a no." I joked and he laughed and patted his big belly.

"Thank the gods she's a spitting image of her mother." He said still laughing.

"Who is her mother?" I blurted out because I didn't think before I spoke, his daughter is also a bastard.

"That's a story for another time." He sighed with a sad expression which made me regret my question.

"What's she like?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"She has long golden brown hair and eyes brown like mine, she has the sweetest smile, she can sing like an angel and she's a skinny little thing I keep telling her to eat more meat and she does I guess it doesn't show on her like it does on me." He said while laughing and patting his belly again.

"I'll meet her, but I'm not making any promises." I stated just a little intrigued by his daughter.

"Oh you won't be sorry, I'll arrange for her to come to Winterfell by tomorrow evening." He said with a big smile. The way he talked about her I could tell that he loves his daughter very much.

And we that said we went back to the feast, or what remained of the feast, by now most have gone to sleep. But Sansa was still there, waiting for me.

"What was that about." She asked.

"Lord Aragon wants me to marry his daughter." I told her and she didn't take it the same way I did, a smile grew on her face.

"Really what did you say?" She asked excited.

"I told him that I'd meet her." She seemed a little disappointed by my answer.

"You know what they say about Lord Aragon right?" She asked.

"No, what?" I asked knowing that it couldn't be something good.

"Well the rumor is that he had a mistress that was a mermaid." She said and I laughed.

"How much wine have you had, mermaids don't exist." I said still laughing.

"I didn't say they exist, that's just the rumor." She defended herself.

"Alright I think we both need to get some sleep." I said as I stood up to leave and she followed.

I went into my room and laid on the bed trying to fall asleep. The thought of Lord Aragon's daughter ran through my mind, what if she was hideous or the cruelest person alive and I refused to marry her, the Aragon's have the most men I can't afford to lose our alliance. The thought of marrying a wicked stranger or loosing an alliance with one of the largest suppliers of soldiers and trade kept me up at night.

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