Chapter two

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Zayn walked into the little coffee shop ,walking up to the counter where Agnes ,a 69 year old woman sat. She smiled at Zayn already knowing what he wanted, but decided to ask anyway to be polite and because she didn't want to make another one just in case he didn't like the one she already made.

"Same as usual hun?" Zayn nodded, he's been here hundreds of times before and she was always here- well except on Tuesday and Fridays, her off day's-. She didn't have to write his name on the cup because it wasn't very busy today, plus it was 5:00 in the morning. The earliest Zayn was ever called in, apparently they found something on the mer-people, and honestly Zayn was curious on to what they found!

Zayn sighed deciding he should ask how her-Agnes- day is going or something to get the time too fly by faster "How's your kids?" Turning around she smiled, crows feet visible as she does making her look adorable in a way,her face scrunched up in a kind smile.

"There good, Alex turned eighteen yesterday and Jennifer finally got her job as a photographer! Shes great I tell'ya." Zayn smiled at her kindly taking the drink out of her hand an passing her 10, even though it was like 2.30. She looked at it and put it in the cash register, grabbing some change out only to be stopped by Zayn's hand.

"Keep the change, I'll see you later Agnes."Throwing her a grin he walks away before she could protest, he loved that women like she was his own mother. He would be devastated if something where to happen to her.

He walked his way to his new car, it was black range rover. It was just as important to him like his hair, the only time he would let someone touch it is when he's doing it as in cutting his hair *gasp*. As much as Zayn hated doing that he had to look good and having long hair on him didn't look as good, what so ever.

Getting in his car he started thinking what could be so important to wake him up earlier then f*ck!! I mean come on Zayn just got to sleep and he LOVED sleep, even though he barely got any.

Half way there Zayn's thoughts he started to zone out, going into his own world where everything existed even the mer-people. Zayn wished that he could see that certain blonde boy or merman again. God, Zayn would be lying if he said that he hasn't thought of the merman in that way. It was age 16 when he did, he did it to a picture he drew of the merman. Zayn couldn't stop his obsession over the half fish half boy, he just couldn't get him out of that head of his! Zayn wondered how would he f*ck the merm- *cough* meaning he wondered how the hell do the mer-people get it on?! Yeah that's what he meant... He sighed as he stopped in front of the tall building known as his work place. It wasn't to far from town, but it wasn't to close either, it was smack down in the middle of nowhere. Someplace where most people don't know about or care about really.

Slamming the door shut to his car, he ran to the front door, putting his code in ,a beep sound signaling that it was correct and he was aloud in. Walking in he had to put his middle finger on this pad, scanning his, another beep sound being heard before he was let through. He started walking through the short hallway only to be stopped again for another checking process. He sighed, he didn't really like this part of coming into work, but to protect the years of research, it was worth it.

Coming upon a eye scanner he blinked several times and stepped up to it, a red light came on,l analyzing his eye. It didn't hurt but the light was annoying, how that stupid thing just flashes in your eye's. Ugh. Hearing once again ANOTHER beep he stepped back and rubbed his left eye that was scanned and FINALLY made it inside. He looked to the left and grabbed his card to check in, once done he put it back and grabbed his lab coat.

Inside was all white and well...just...white to be honest, the main room had a couple of love seats a table full off old magazines and the front desk that had Joel sitting behind it- Hes a secretary/ guard -and doors that lead to other co-workers labs. If you were to walk by some of the rooms you could see the inside, unlike Zayn's lab which is more private, their is no glass wall to see through. On the inside though it was just plain old white walls like the rest of the building.He had asked if he could change the color since his contract said he couldn't leave this place for at least 6 years, but since he's planning on staying with this job into he retires, he figures he would put the word in on the contract sealing his deal for life. It may sound dumb to do that, but he had no other interest on other kinds of jobs.

Putting his hands on the door Zayn pushes it open, hearing cheerful voices. Turning to the left he was surprised as he was engulfed with a hug and met with a pair of sea green eyes that looked blown with happiness. Zayn almost immediately hugging back.

The next thing that happened almost made Zayn want to fan girl and squeal like a 16 year old girl who just got her first car as a present.

"We're 99% sure we've found their hide out .."


More of a filler chapter.

Merman ~  Ziall,Larry UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now