Inglorious Days

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There are two kinds of days in my life.
Working days and Holidays.
Both are equally monotonous and inglorious.
I have the same activities to do(which I fail to do) on both kind of days.
1. Engineering Studies(Yes I am in first year. I am NOT a freak though.)
2. UPSC prep(very droll I know)
-Read effin newspapers (I am not a gossip monger and do not take pleasure in knowing what happened to the neighbourhood's cat, why would I want to meddle with what is going around the globe when there is nothing I can do to change the course or effects of every event that happens? Yes....I have a long and somewhat logical theory about why one should give up on gazelles. But I'll just cut the schizophrenic shit and get on with the next activity.....and it doesn't even matter because I do read the newspaper anyway)
-Other books and magazines
3. Adding 5 new words to my appalling vocabulary
4.  Updating a wattpad work(this is one recent activity that manages to pique my interest )
5. Art
6. A weird research on any random topic(it could be anything....ranging from questions like 'why was I born?' to 'what's for dinner?')
7. Pray (Yes, I am very dependant on God and although I find Voltaire admirable...he still is too radical for my taste)
8. Sleep(my favourite part of the day)

Now, a working day means I have to endure 10 hours of college.
A holiday means I cannot stay out of the house for 10 blissful hours.
All my life I have been accused of being the poorest time manager ever.
Its about time I changed that.
So I drew up a SCHEDULE.
That word in uppercase letters.....creeps me out.
But here it is anyway.....
Working day schedule
Activity          Time
1.                    3.5 hrs.
2.                    2.0hrs. and 2.0 hrs.
3.                    0 time Zone(that means I chase that when my mind zones out)
4.                    45 minutes to 50 minutes
5.                     15 minutes to 25 minutes
6.                     20 minutes
7.                    25 minutes(extendable)
8.                    4 and a half hours

Activity                  Time
1.                          4hrs.
2.                          2hrs and 5 hrs.
3.                          0 time zone
4.                          1 hr. 10 min.
5.                          45 min.
6.                          45 min.
7.                          2hrs.(extendable)
8.                          5 hrs.

PS I hope to wear highly motivational socks and follow this through.


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