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"Ten mintue until landing in Wellington, New Zealand so please turn off all your electronical devices." Ugh. Now my music is gone. i muttered under my breath as i turn off my phone and put it in my pocket. Since i didnt have my music anymore to keep me occupied from my nervusness, I looked out of the planeswindow to see the view.


Im guessing that i fell asleep because the next thing i know is my mumsaying that i need to wask up. "Wake up Coralie were here" she keeps shaking me. ugh. "Were here already?" I asked and then i started to tear up a bit because i would finally get to see the love of my life. I was the last one that was left on the plane so i didnt want to waste anymore of my time. I wanted to get to see him quicker. Since my mum already grabbed my luggage i quickly walked out of the plane and into the airport. There he is. I see him at the fountain from the corner. I took a deep breath and started walking again.. There he was, i thought wuite nervosulsy. Hes so adorable and hes all mine. I shyly walked out of the airport terminal with my head down. After i wipe the last of my tears from my eyse I look up and see him running towards me. I start running to tackle him with hugs and kisses. When i jumped up to engulf him in our first hug I really noticed that he is quite a bit taller than mejust like i noticed in the pictures. Once he let me go i finally got to look into his beautiful blue eyes. We shared our first kiss and it was perfect just like i imagined it would be. Aweh did he just say i love you?? Fianlly! I get to hear it in person. "I love you too baby"i finally manage to say through the huge smile on my face. "you look stunning today" i laughed of course i looked good, i get to see him and i wanted to look my best. I hope he didnt think that was rude or me for laughing but "thank you" is just too original "I bought you something so you could remember this day" Aweh. He is too cute. "Its not like i could forget the day i meet the love of my life" i reply as he kisses my cheek. I wonder i wonder what it will be. I hope that.. " Here its a charm bracelet.." I didnt really hear what else he said. I was staring at the bracelet. He clasps it on my wrist. "Aweh. Its stunning. I love it and you."

I knew it when I saw herWhere stories live. Discover now