We've had our moments, it's time to move on

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I stood outside the door, rewriting my speech over and over in my head. Taking a deep breath I hovered my hand over the doorbell.

Just as I was about to press it, I took one last look at my reflection; my lightly long brown hair was slightly wet from the rain, my large brown eyes filled with hope, my tanned skin was perfect.

She must fall for me.

I heard laughter from inisde and knew this was now or never.

*ding dong*

"CHINESE!!!!" eugh not those douches...

The hall light flicked on and I saw a red haired figure through the glass,


I casually leaned against the wall, my hair covering my face. I hid the flowers bind my back and took a deep breath, ready for her to open the door.

As the door opened enthusiastically, I looked down to her.

Great pearly smile,

Perfect figure,

Perfect hair,

Those gorgeous green eyes...

As soon as her eyes met mine her face dropped, sadness and confusion replaced it.


I stood straight, giving her a weak smile.


She stood with her hands on her waist, anger and shock was all I received from her face.

"Sophie I-" I took a step forward to be interrupted by an irish voice.

"Hey babes, how long are you gonna be?"

Niall. Eugh gag. He bounced along the corridor, taking place next to Sophie and wrapping one arm round her waist. She stared at me still and he looked up, eyes meeting mine.

"Soph, who's this?" He stood taller as she moved closer to him, still angryily looking at me.

"This" pointing at me in disgust, "Is Ed, my ex boyfriend"

She gritted the words through her mouth and folded her arms over her chest. Niall pulled her towards his chest, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I'm not one to start a fight but exactly why are you here? I mean you can see she's moved on"

He said it calmy, making her relax more. This made me even more determined to win her back, I stood with my back tight, expression held strong.

"I came here to get her back obviously, she's making a mistake and it's my job to save her"

"The only thing you can do for her is do the favour of leaving her alone"

He pushed her behind him, stepping closer and puffing out his chest like a 'hard man', pffttt he failed.

"Now listen here leprechaun, I'm not going anywhere unless she comes with me alright? And you can drop the protective boyfriend roll, we all know your going to lose"

I knew I'd pushed it but I had to stand my ground. He walked forward and I pushed him back, making him fall just where Sohpie had been standing.


I looked at her, giving her a sympathetic look. 

"I'm sorry Sophie, it's just-"

"No Ed, NO!" She looked away, I saw her starting to cry and walked towards her. 

Stole my heart - Niall fanficWhere stories live. Discover now