Part 3(the continues)

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^After they dinish their meal,they all clean up the table^

^Jimin wants to go to Aila's house, hmm he loves Aila just like his own sister, well Aila's parents is gone and her grandma whontake care of her since she was a kid in now sick. It is a sad life of Aila^

JIMIN: *go to Aila's house* Tuktuktuk *he knocks the door*

AILA: *open the door* Jimin oppa!❤

JIMIN: Hehe, anyeong Aila!

AILA: Do come in.

JIMIN: Owhh okay...How was gradma?

AILA: Grandma? Oh she is now a little bit recovered.

JIMIN: Oh great! Ummmm..oppa wanna say something...

AILA: What is it?

JIMIN: *shy* Ermm..oppa..oppa

AILA: what?!

JIMIN: Oppa wanna threat you to a dinner with me.*shy and run out from the house*

AILA: *blur for 5 minutes* Is it true that he was threating me to a dinner?!! OH MY GOD!!!

~to be continued~

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