Chapter 1

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Lara's POV:

"We will be arriving in 5 minutes please fasten your seatbelts and turn any kind of electronics off" the flight attendant announced.

I pulled the belt from one side of my body to the other as if taming my emotions that were on the edge of pouring out.

Jimin didn't let me leave until I wore his hoodie.

I looked down at it as it's huge size hugged my body and reaching half my lap.

Wearing his clothes made me feel slightly better. Especially because it smelled like him. In every step I took, I could smell him around me. It gave me huge comfort and motivation to fight the fights life had in store for me.

Suddenly I felt the plane leap and slow down.

It's too late now. There's no way back now.

I miss him already.

How could I already miss being in his arms?

"Dear passengers we have just arrived to Lebanon" The Flight attendant said.

"Here we go" I said to myself as I stood up grabbing my suit bags and followed the line out of the plane as plane attendants thanked us for choosing this airline.

I searched for the rest of my bags to take with me on my way back.

I held Jimin's bag in my hands as I strolled around.

I couldn't leave it with my other bags. I couldn't keep it away from me. My heart would ache too much.

Once I spotted my bags I grabbed them and made my way out.

As I entered the waiting area of the airport I saw my parents including my sister and brother waving at me to notice them.

Their eager smiles were the opposite of what I felt. Seeing them wave at me made my heart sink deeper.

I don't want to be here.

Once I reached the end they ran to me.

"Lara!! We missed you!" my little brother said hugging me as I patted his back.

Then my sister hugged me.

"Lara, although you're annoying I did kind of miss you" my sister teased.

"I missed you too" I said, hugging her back.

"Lara, welcome back" Mom said hugging me with my dad joining in on the slumber.

"Let's go" dad said as my brother took one of my bags and my sister took the other.

I tightened my grip over Jimin's bag.

In the whole ride home I felt like shit.

I'm back here.

I opened the door and took my first step into my house.

"Home sweet home right?" my sister said following me into my room.

"Not really, no" I admitted bitterness showing in my expression.

"I know you're gonna miss your favorite band but you know what they say, don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened" she said laying on her bed.

"It's not like that..." I said.

"Then what?" she said propping herself with her hands.

"Uhm it's a long story" I said playing with the hem of Jimin's hoodie.

"I have all the time in the world, go" she said and I thought.

"Shouldn't I unpack and pack my school bag for tomorrow though?" I asked.

"You can do that afterwards, tell me! You're getting me all excited" she said so I crossed my legs on my bed and started.

*Tells Lynn (her sister) what happened*

"No way" she said her mouth wide open.

"Yes way" I said getting excited about telling Lynn about Jimin.

I have a close relationship with my sister and I'm glad that I can tell her about such subjects.

"Let me show you the pictures we took" I said opening my phone as I scrolled through the selfies we took, pictures Kashish took of us holding hands and that one selfie we took when we were cuddled up.

"Oh my god Lara who would have thought?!" she exclaimed.

"Definitely not me! I mean look, this bag right here has his things. He said I should use his stuff and his stuff only till we meet again" I said a giddy smile on my face.

"What're you gonna do tho? How will you meet again?" she asked.

"Well once I'm done with school, I'll apply to university there and he said he'd pay for my tuition. At first I didn't accept that he'd pay for me, but then we said I'll work till I have the money to pay him back, so my conscious will be at ease" I explained.

"But that's a year from now" she reminded.

"I know... But like I mean we'll work it out" I said hugging his bag and laying my chin on it.

"C'mere give me a hug" she said and I directly went and embraced her.

"Now go pack your bag for school tomorrow" she said.

"Augh don't remind me" I said walking up to my closet to get my bag.

Because I Need You (Just One Day Sequel pt1)Where stories live. Discover now