Chapter 37

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Lara's POV

I plugged my key into the keyhole and twisted it open.

That's it... He's gone...

Once the door creaked open I heard footsteps run towards the door. As soon as I was in, I felt a sharp tug on my hair.

She pulled me through the door all the way to the living room.

"What in the world do you think you did?" Mom yelled to my face

I just looked at her, giving out no reaction. My face was blank

"You think you can control your life? Is that what you think? Huh?" she yelled to my face

I still had no reaction. I sat with my body slumped resembling how I felt inside.

"Aslong as you live in MY house you follow MY rules! And when I say you're gonna marry Ahmad, it means you WILL marry him whether you like it or not!  Am I clear?" her voice pierced through my ears

I had this feeling... As if I wasn't in my body... As if I was watching my body from a near distance. Just watching the misery called my life unfold

I then felt my cheek sting, strong enough to get me back into my body.

My body responded before I could, grabbing my cheek

"I SAID am I clear?" she said in a low voice as if daring me not to reply

I tear slipped down my cheek without my concent when I replied

"Loud and clear"

My voice sounded rather weak as I felt myself lose everything

She then pulled me by my shirt and pushed me out of the living room and slammed the door shut.

I guess I was too up in the clouds that I forgot the reality I live in.

I'm just a toy they control. Just another punching pillow for when they feel like letting things out.

I forced my legs to lead me to my room and I slopped onto my bed.

I could feel my cheek bruising but it isn't like I can do anything about it.

Beep Beep

I tiredly pulled out my phone and unlocked it.

I'm on the plane and I miss you already :(
Is my babygirl doing alright?  -Jimin

I miss you way more, you have no idea. I'm great down worry about me and take good care of yourself! -Me

I can't tell him what happened. If anyone has to go through this, I'd rather it be just me.
I need him to feel alright.

I love him too much... He can't know.

I walked over towards my closet and hid the phone in a safe place where noone could find it and changed my clothes into PJs and laid in bed, feeling extremely exhausted.

Because I Need You (Just One Day Sequel pt1)Where stories live. Discover now