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Dylan was walking home. There were only two more days until school was out for the summer. Stepping onto her creaky doorsteps she hear a thud. Dylan looked around cautiously as she walked into her home. Her mother waltzed around crazily as she muttered something while holding a wine bottle. Dylan stood and glared at her.


Her mother turned and looked at her, "What," she said with a low and unclear voice.

"What are you doing?"

She leaned against a wall, "Drinking away my misery," her mother then stood upright and started walking closer to her, "Maybe you should try it sometime."

Her breath was tainted and smelled like alcohol, Dylan shrugged away from her, "Is this what the money's for," Dylan asked with a whisper.

"What money! We don't have any," her mother shouted. She then continued to drink some more.

Dylan shook her head in disapproval, "Bye mom."

"'Bout time. Get out! Get out!"

Dylan ran outside, her face a bright red. Her eyes began to water.  She half ran half jogged down her street towards Allen's house. A few minutes later she stopped at a small brick house. Dylan fiddled with her shirt as she walked up to the door, knocking quietly with her free hand. Mrs. Taylor opened the door.

"C-can I come in," asked Dylan, half sobbing.

"Si," replied Allen's mother as she waved her inside.

Allen came from down a hallway, "Who is-," he stopped abruptly at the sight of Dylan's teared face. He said nothing as he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her small frame. He rest his chin on top of Dylan's head while rubbing her back, attempting to calm her.

Dylan let out a shaky breath, "I'm okay."

"You can explain later, for now, rest," Allen said standing upright and taking her hand. He led her down the hallway from which he came. They were stopped by Matt, Allen's younger brother.

"What's she doing here?"

"Go away Matt," mumbled Allen.

Allen pushed by him, but was still followed. He looked back at his brother angrily. Seeing his brother's angered face, Matt rolled his eyes and walked away. He would soon return anyways.

Allen led her into his bedroom, "I'll be here if you need anything."

"Thanks," Dylan nodded and sat on the edge of his bed. She took off her shoes, throwing them beside the bed. "I'm not tired," she muttered.

Allen looked up at her, "So do you want to talk to me about what happened? Or no?"

"Sure I guess," Dylan laid down, propping the pillow up so she could talk, "My mother...she was so drunk. She made me get a job just so she can buy beers," Dylan's face began to show anger.

"It's okay," Allen interrupted.


"Things will get better," Allen hesitated, "They always do."

Dylan nodded and wrapped herself in his blanket. Allen watched over her carefully, sitting in an office chair. Soon, they both fell asleep, only to be woken by a beeping alarm a few hours later. Allen hurried and quickly shut it off. Dylan sat up, weary.


"Dylan it's time to go to school, it's the last day," said Allen quickly.

Dylan looked up at him, "But I have-"

"Work? Dylan why would you after all of this?"

"I dunno," she mumbles.

Allen sits beside of her, "You don't have to go."

"I want to work, not for my mother but for myself."

"Okay," he mutters.

Allen stands up, taking off his shirt. He was rather skinny and tanned. Dylan stared blankly at him.

"What," asks Allen as he smiles at her.


"Uh huh," Allen throws his shirt at Dylan, hitting her in the face.

Dylan falls back on his bed, "Dammit Allen," she laughs.

Allen continues getting ready while Dylan watches him. Her hair still messy and knotted, Dylan gets up, stretching.

"Want me to walk you," asks Allen.

Dylan yawns, "No, I'll be okay."

Allen nods and walks out of his room with Dylan following.

"I'm gonna go ahead and leave now," says Dylan.

"Oh, alright."

Dylan walks out closing the door gently behind her. She walks slowly, taking her time. Twenty minutes later she arrives at the Wright's home. There she sees Pam rushing an older boy out of her home.

"Go! You'll be late," Pam yells to the boy.

Dylan moves closer, she sees his face clearly now. She lets out a little gasp as she realizes it's Connor Wright, the captain of the football team.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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