Baby Sitting

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Dylan woke with a start, her laptop had made a ringing noise. She had gotten a notification. She sat up, trying to remember what had happened last night. Suddenly she was reminded of her first prom. She shook her head and mumbled, "No." Dylan checked the notification. It read:

We have found a client in your area!

Children (1)

"What," Dylan asked herself. Then the memory had suddenly came back. Her mom asked her to apply for a job, and last night she had signed up for a baby sitting website. Dylan rubbed her face. She was still covered in blankets. She sat up against her wall as her bedroom door opened.

Allen walked in talking, "Hey, so I heard about-," he stopped talking and looked at Dylan, "Oh my God you're naked! I'm sorry."

Dylan looked over at him, "How did you get in here?"

He pointed towards the door, "Your um, mother let me in."

Allen's face was now a bright red. Dylan just shook her head and mumbled, "Get out." He nodded quickly and nearly ran out of her room. Dylan stood up, putting on a t-shirt and pants and grabbing her laptop. She head outside to her living room, which wasn't much of one, where she found Allen sitting on a couch. Allen was a really close friend of her's. They lived very close and were like siblings to each other. Allen was Hispanic with dark brown hair and freckles. He looked up at her, "I'm really sorry." Dylan yawned, "It's okay." She sat beside him, looking at the sitter website. Clicking on the notification, there was a number and an address. 

"Wait, what's that," asked Allen.

"My mom asked for me to find a job, so I'm going to be a baby sitter."

Allen laughed, "You? A baby sitter?"

Dylan's expression never changed, "Yeah."

"You've never dealt with a child before."


"So...You don't know what to do."

"It can't be that hard," Dylan mumbled.

"I have four siblings, I know what it's like," Allen retorted.

Dylan just shrugged and stood to get the house phone. She looked at the number and dialed it. A woman answered.


"Hi. I'm the uh, baby sitter in your area."

"Oh! Yes how lovely. I have two children."

"Um, the site only says one," Dylan said quietly.

"Well, you'll only be baby sitting one. The other one is almost an adult. They grow up so fast," the woman sighed on the other end of the phone.

"Indeed they do, Mrs... Excuse me but what's your name?"

"Call me Pam. And your name?"

"Dylan, Dylan Bell."

"Well Dylan, you start tomorrow at 8am sharp."

"Okay Mrs. Pam, thank you."

Dylan hung up her phone quickly and looked over at Allen with a smug face.

Allen looked at her confused, "What?"

"It's only one," she held up one finger, "ooonnne child."

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "You're gonna be begging me for help later."

Dylan ignored him and sat back down beside him, she leaned against him and he wrapped his arms around her pulling her down on him. She giggled and rest her head on his chest, quickly falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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