Chapter 19

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What does he want to tell me? But I'm excited that I'll finally get the answers to all my queries and confusions. And finally, finally this Aiden McCall won't be a mystery anymore.

I smiled and encouraged him to go on.

He turned his body towards the lake and stared at it. The sun was about to go down. It looked beautiful. Even I shifted by body towards the lake. Then after a few seconds he took a deep breath and started.

"I had to accompany my father to a meeting of all the Alphas of the States. The period of the meeting was too long. A month or so. Meetings on each and every topic concerning werewolf life. I was 15 back then.
After 2 or 3 days, I met the daughter of the Alpha of Darkmoon pack, Valerie." He stopped and took another deep breath.

Darkmoon pack. That pack was known for its cruelty. They were also known for their dishonesty, cheat and wicked ways. Their Alpha was the worst.

He resumed. "She.. She was so beautiful. She was amazing. The moment I saw her I felt something for her. Although we weren't mates yet we grew to love each other. I had made my mind that instead of being with my mate, I'll be with her. She made me feel so good. She made me believe that even she reciprocated my love. She was my first.

But when it was time for us to leave, I went to her room to bid her goodbye when I saw her there with another boy in her room." His jaw tightened.

"She was cheating on me. When I confronted her about what she was doing, she said that I was a worthless piece of shit. That I wasn't capable of loving someone and that I never satisfied her in any aspect of being a boyfriend. She also told me that I won't be the perfect mate for my mate, ever."

Okay, now can I please go and kill this Valerie girl.
'That girl hurt our mate so much. I will claw her heart out of her body', growled  my wolf.

"She broke my heart. She was my first girlfriend, my first kiss, my first everything. She left me a mess. I was devastated on hearing her words. She actually made me believe that I was no good. Afterwards, more than being angry on her, I was angry on myself for being so naïve. She was playing me but I didn't realise that because I was so blind, so naïve.

Then I decided that I don't want a mate. I didn't want to feel like that ever again. So I decided to play girls. I mean I obviously wasn't in a relationship with them, it was only sex, I never wanted a relationship again.

But then you came in my life. When I first realised you were my mate I obviously didn't want you. But then I realised that I needed you as a Luna for my pack. I did all I could to keep you away from me. I was such an ass to you. But you.."

He then turned to me and took both my hands in his and chuckled. He stared in my eyes and in that moment it was like I could see right through his soul, as he could do through mine.

"You were something else. Someone that gave me a run for my money. The more I tried to push you, the more you pulled me. You had comebacks for my every move. You infuriated me so much, yet that led to another feeling. I got really scared when I realised that I had started falling for you. I didn't want a repeat of last time. But I couldn't help myself. I fell for you a bit more each day. And with all those threats and stuff, I realised I didn't want to loose you." He stopped and then just stared in my eyes.

He bared his soul to me through his eyes. I could see anger, insecurity, fear, power, lust, and something else in his eyes. Love, maybe? But wasn't it too early for that? Adoration maybe.

I broke the eye contact first by tilting my head and  looking at the lake.

Sunset, such a beautiful phenomenon.  Moments will come and go. People will come and go. Some may be a good influence on us and some may not. But with the setting sun, everything will go down, as memories. Then it all depends on us, if we would keep letting it affect us or move on. But one thing was sure, there will be a new day again. 

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