*___* Chapter two *___*

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Natasha’s phone rang and she opened the text message; it said that the pink demon gang wants to fight with their gang; she signaled her friends as a sign that they are going to have an insanity evening. On their fight Natasha use her tecniques but the opponent use weapons,Natasha surrive the battle and their gang win the fight.

Natasha rode her bike to her condo but suddenly, while she drives her black motorbike, she didn’t saw that someone is following her from behind, she speed up as she reached the highway, a cat accidentally crossed the road and suddenly,

she pressed the brake and the motorbike slid to the road, Natasha, with her helmet jumped off her motorbike to save herself from the accident but it was too late, she tightened her grip on the motorbike and slid it, the motorbike bumped on a tree where she also bumped, the impact of the accident was really hard, luckily, she quickly came into her senses and she searched for her phone in her pocket and quickly dialed Red’s number.

“H-Hello….” She spoke on her phone

“Hello?! Queen! Why is your voice shaking?!” said Red on the other line.

“I—I Had an accident, p-please come, I-I’m in the middle of the r-road. Please…”then she hanged up.

Red on the other side, was getting anxious about what happened to their ‘queen’

He grabbed his motorbike and think if where in the world would their Queen Natasha be. He informed his gang mates about what happened, they said that they will just follow him.

“I know where it is.” Red mumbled to himself.

Back to Natasha, she’s still in the middle of the road, she held her head..

“B--- Blood?!” she said to herself and felt uneasy, she’s starting to feel strange pain inside her head… She’s slowly forgetting her memories, and there, she fainted.

“Q-Queen! Wake up!!” said Red while shaking the body of their Thug Queen. There’s something he unexpectedly felt, there’s a blood!! Red dialed his gang mates’ numbers and told them to come faster.

The gang members were shocked when they saw their Thug Queen lying, helpless and weary. Gladly, Ace, the rank 6 of the black phoenix brought his car, they placed the thug queen in and decided to take her to the hospital.


$ Nathazkie $

Oh,What will happen to Natasha?

sorry short update

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