^___^ Chapter Three ^___^

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At the hospital, the people looked at the Black phoenix suspiciously; they were all wearing black suits, black shirts, and black shoes. Everything they wear were all black for it was with their group’s name; ‘Black Phoenix’

The Lee Twins called for the doctors; they quickly brought their Thug Queen in the Emergency Room.

“I wish Queen Natasha would be alright…” Syche said to her co- Gang mates all of them agreed, she dialed the number of Natasha’s parents and told them…

“Ma’am, you should come to St. Miranda’s Hospital now, Natasha had an accident… I believe she needs you..”said Syche and hanged up the phone. She don’t want to hear Natasha’s Parents’ scolds so she just hanged it up.

After a few minutes, Natasha’s Parents came, Mrs.Drominez was crying when she get there.

“How is she?” she asked while sobbing. It was also when the doctor came and told the family and friends of Natasha regarding of her condition.

“Who are the family of Natasha Drominez?” the Doctor asked and Natasha’s mother stepped forward.

“I am, I’m her mo.ther.” Said Mrs. Drominez.

“Suffers from Comatose because of the impact of that bump.”

“C--- comatose?!” they all said in chorus.

“yes, and the is a big possibility that she may Die, but if she wakes up, one thing I am sure about is that,” he paused for a bit.

“That she may suffer from temporary or permanent amnesia, I’m sorry Mrs. Drominez.

The nurses sent Natasha to her private room.

“What have you done?!” Mrs. Drominez exclaimed in the hospital.

“You are all HOPELESS CHILDREN! I never expected that you!” she pointed all the members of the Black Phoenix.

“You will put the life of my ONLY daughter at sake!” she said and then slapped each one of the members of them. They all bowed in sorry.

“And anytime SHE can die. I will assure all of you will be sent to jail if she dies!” she’s shaking with anger; her eyes were full of anger. The gang knelt down and said…

“Madame, we promise she will wake up,” they said and they received a harsh slap from Natasha’s mother.The gang were really synchronized that even their words are synchronized, they are willing to risk everything for their Queen to wake up… To keep her safe from harm, but they failed now, because they haven’t protected their Queen and now she’s in a critical condition.

But they didn’t lose hope, they have their own schedules in taking care of their queen, they switch schedules when some of them have their classes. Two months have passed and still, their queen isn’t waking up.

Red is sitting beside Natasha, he was in a deep sleep beside her when Natasha’s hand slowly moved, then she opened her eyes slowly then tapped Red’s head that made him wake up…



Sorry short update




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